My Saviour

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HELLO EVERYONE I AM SO HAPPY that this is back to business I feel so bad for holding this off for sooooo long it sucks a lot. But I hope you guys are happy now what I do hate is that I'm not having much time but I will always try my best for you guys just so you know the reason why I've held this back was

1: the time
2: the interest was losing it's thole
3: I had to change

But hey I'm going to do my best to make this a thing again So for all of you that have been worrying that I'm not doing this anymore you don't need to anyway enough of my blabbering I can imagine how you have been wanting to stop me talking so let's do this!!!

"How did I end up here?" I found myself laying down on a bed "I brought you here" I looked up to see who it was and I was so glad that I saw him not someone else "Shadow!" I ran to him and hugged him "I'm so glad I didn't see that stupid hedgehog" I kept cuddling him for at least one or two minutes "He didn't hurt you right?" I shake my head signiling him that its a no. He let me go and went somewhere else but speak of the devil it's the stupid blue brat "Ha! So you had to get your saviour to help you huh? Well that just proves that I'm better then you" I rolled my eyes at him " In your dreams idiot" he just exploded laughing "They do happen" I should just go where ever Shadow went I don't need to be dealing with him again.

So not only do I have one stupid hedgehog annoying me but two and a creepy basterd ugh why does my life have to be so bad but hey I can't say it's horrible either....I have an amazing guy which protects me with no cost but I got to step up my game because what would happen if he couldn't help me or protect me. "You thinking about something?" Oh gosh I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realise that Shadow was talking to me "Huh..Oh yea I'm fine did you say something?" He knew I was thinking about something but knowing him who would really careless "Hey Shadow?" Now I caught him off guard "What is it?" How will he take what I say? "Do you know you're my saviour?" He stayed quiet for a bit "Heh.....well it's your choice of what you think just stop getting into trouble a lot" unfortunately I can't really promise anything but if you knew I will try my best..........

Hey guys yea I know it's really short but I preferred doing something then doing nothing even bare with me while I try to get back to the swing of things on this because yep it's been a long time but I know you can you are amazing guys after all anyway live you all bye bye!!

Shadow The Hedgehog x reader(The Stare of a Hedgehog)Where stories live. Discover now