Shut Your Blabering Mouth

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Hello angels how are you doing I am doing fine and dandy so I hope you like this chapter anyway let's get moving.....

The next day came and I remembered that I had to go and meet Tails at his workshop I sneakly got out of the bed so I won't wake up Shadow "(y/n)...." soon enough he was back to sleep I got out of the room and went downstairs got some things and went out of the house. It was a really nice day and strock of luck there was Amy "Hey Amys" she looked at me and smiled "Hey
(Y/N) how are you? Do you have anything planned?" I nodded "Yea I'm going to go and meet Tails want to join?" She looked down sadly "I would like to but I promised Cream I would go to the park with her" oh I see I guess I can still go alone "Its OK Amy well see you later" she waved at me and then I continued the walk to Tails' place. When I arrived I knocked on the door and saw that Tails had some company he had Sonic and Knuckles with him......even Shadow I thought he was still asleep I guess not. They all waved at me but Shadow seemed annoyed I went to take a sit then last thing I know Sonic's arm was around me "Get your filthy hands off me" I was going to remove his hand when I saw Shadow looking down "Nope me and Shadow made a deal that today you'll be my slave" when he said the word slave and smirked at me I just slapped him in the face man he can be a pain sometimes "OK Sonic we understand but I mean Shadow is a bit of a fool for him to accept who knows what things you are going to do to her when Shadow isn't going come in the way wow I can imag-" Tails got shut when Shadow punched him and he flew to the other side of the room" That teaches you to shut your blabbering mouth" Shadow went back and sat down still annoyed "Shadow you didn't need to go over boar-" Sonic got cut off by Shadow "You better shut your trap wise guy or the next thing I do won't be pleasant" Sonic just snickered and Shadow went back to were he was sitting before. I just got up and went into the bathroom looking at the mirror I can't believe Shadow actually agreed to this. Sonic locked the door behind him when he entered the bathroom "Hmm well my day is becoming luckier and luckier now isn't it" he pushed me against the wall biting my neck which made me moan all the time I cannot do this Shadow I need you why did you let him please come and help me........
Hi guys I'm sorry if this is short but I am being quiet busy but I'll try my hardest to continue anyway hope you like this bye bye....

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