Chapter 16

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The wolf attacks him. And everyone thinks he is dead

Susan, Zafira and Lucy: Peter... no!

They run up to him, and see he is alive and looks disgusted by killing the wolf. Aslan lets go the

other wolf

Aslan: Follow him! He'll lead you to Edmund. Peter, clean your sword.

Aslan: "Rise, Sir Peter Wolfsbane--Knight of Narnia."

Peter looks at Aslan in awe

Susan and Lucy hug there brother and Zafira and Johnny were in each other's arms.


Witches camp

Edmund is tied to tree as the Dwarf taunts him

General Otmin: The Minotaurs on the left, send in the dwarfs first.

White Witch looks at the plans and then...

Aslan's army comes in and attack the camp without the witch knowing and got Edmund from the tree he was tied in and left.There is confusion. White Witch goes through camp and see Dwarf to

tree, knife in hat and him tied and gagged. She takes the knife and looks like she's going to kill

him then cuts him down

Dwarf: You're not going to kill me?

White Witch: Not yet! We have work to do

turning to Otmin


Morning Aslan's camp

Aslan and Edmund are on the rock above camp Peter comes out and see him and the girls are sitting Indian style except for Zafira she was in her tent changing her clothes with a narnian dress that Aslan gave the girls and then she came out and sat next to Susan who smiled at her.

Zafira saw Lucy getting up with wide eyes


Zafira's P.O.V

Lucy: Edmund!!

I freezed. I couldn't see anything since my back is facing the opposite from everyone. My heart was beating two times faster than usual. I finally turned around and there he was at the rock with Aslan and made eye contact with me. I felt my breath hitch and felt my eyes getting moist. I went to join with the gang.

I saw Lucy about to run to him until

Peter stops her. Aslan motions Edmund down and go to the group of his siblings,his love of his life and her brother. Aslan follows and stops in front of us

Aslan: What's done is done. There is no reason to bring up the past with your brother.

Aslan left to his camp. Edmund looked like he was contemplating to talk but he did.

Edmund: Hello...

I couldn't wait any longer and raced towards him and jumped in his arms and wrap my legs in his waist and arms around his neck which he didn't expect it cause he took a step back but regain balance and hugged me tighter and buried his head on my neck. We hugged about 20 seconds and I took my head from his shoulder and he did the same but I was still in the same position and we locked each other's eyes and couldn't believe he was here. I felt he caressed my face but under my eyes and didn't understand why until I realized I was crying. He put me down on the ground.

Edmund: are you mad at me?

Me: yes

He looked sad when I said that

Me: I'm mad when you left me without saying anything. I thought I lost you.

Edmund: I'm sorry I was an idiot. I promise you I won't ever leave you. I will always be there.

Me: pinky promise

I held my pinky to him. He chuckles but he did.

Lucy: Oh, Edmund

She Hugs him and Susan does too

Susan: How are you feeling?

Edmund: I'm feeling kinda tired

Peter: Get some rest...

He said with a neutral voice the made Edmund looked down in disappointment and guilt I intertwined my hands with his and squeezed it a little for comfort and he pulled me with him to walk

Peter: and Edmund

Edmund stopped walking and turn around facing his older brother

Peter: try not to wander off again.

Edmund smiles at him and he puts his arm around my waist, together we went to his tent.

Some time later, breakfast

Lucy: Narnia isn't going to run out of toast Edmund

Johnny and Lucy were sitting together laughing at Edmund

I looked to my left cause I was sitting next to him and saw Edmund eating with a mouthful of toast in his mouth. He looked cute and I giggled.He heard me cause he looked my way and blushed

Peter: then you better pack some for the journey

I was confused with that statement

Susan: So were going home?

Peter: You are, I promised I'd keep you three including Zafira and Johnny safe but there's no reason I can't stay and help.

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