n i n e

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December 2009,

Calum's POV

I kinda wanted to say thank you but she knew I was thanking her.

It's almost 2010!

I can't wait.
I kinda want to make a band but maybe 2 years from now.
Like 2011.

Yeah. That would be fun.
I'm so hungry.

And I may or may not want to have a puppy right now but unfortunately I probably will never get one.

Ugh. I love dogs.
I kinda love food more but I don't know. I'm still debating.

         <• Third Person •>

Calum and Alexandra definitely always enjoy their time together.

They always have fun hanging out and making stuff.
Like possibly idk.

Alexandra and Calum decided to go to the store to get snacks.
So they just went to a local small shop to see if they had good snacks.

They both got their snacks and paid.
They both sat down in he coffee shop and had chit-chats.

Then Calum realized a girl was staring at him through the coffee shop windows.

She was taking pictures of him too.

Finally Calum decided to confront her.

He said to Alexandra to wait a second.

Calum stepped outside the coffee shop making the little bell things go off.

He went up to her.

"Excuse me. I would really appreciate it if you would delete those pictures of me."
Calum says confronting her.

"But your so hot."
The girl says biting her lip.

"Uhhh. Thanks? But I want you to delete them."
Calum says still trying to convince her.

"Can I please keep them?"
The girl says possibly begging.

"No. You're invading my privacy."
Calum says still trying.

Then she opened her phone and just take a wild guess of what her lock-screen was.

It was Calum.

Calum groans.

The girl deleted them.

"You still have me as your wallpaper."
Calum said with a pissed off tone.

She changed her wallpaper and deleted that photo too.

The girl said frowning.

Calum says about to go back in the coffee shop.

The girl grabs his arm before he could.

"Get off me!"
Calum yells.

"I just want a kiss."
The girl said.

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