s i x t e e n

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Alexandra inspects the room and try's to find Calum.
Still nobody.

Then Calum comes out of a door.
He was in the bathroom...

Calum gasps in excitement.
"I'm so glad your here."
Calum says.

"Somebody's happy."
Alexandra said with a smile.

"Did you have fun in school?"
Calum asks.

"You already know the answer to that."
Alexandra spoke.

"I'm guessing that's a no?"
Calum asks.

Alexandra nods.
They both lay down cuddling each other.

"By the way, the teacher told me to give you the homework every night.... So here you go."
Alexandra says handing Calum papers.

"ew homework."
Calum giggles.

"I missed your giggles."
Alexandra laughs.

Calum smiles.
"I literally have no idea why but I feel kinda like a inflated balloon."
Calum says dying of laughter by his own joke.

"A inflated balloon? That's creative."
Alexandra says laughing.

"Anyways. About homework. Answers?"
Calum asks smirking.

Alexandra rolls her eyes but in a joking way.

She whips out her books and the papers that were due.
They starting their work and were almost completed.

A loud noise came from the other room.

"Do you think something happened to someone?!"
Alexandra says panicking.

"Maybe. I'm not sure. But if anything I hope their okay."
Calum said confused.

They continue to do their work.
Finally! Finished.

Alexandra says wiping the fake sweat off her forehead.

Calum lets out a silent giggle.
"What time is it?"
Calum asks curiously.

Alexandra takes a look at her phone, her face lights up by the bright light it had.

Alexandra reply's.

"Can you sleep here? I feel lonely without you here..."
Calum says frowning.

"Okay. I will ask my mom. I'm gonna take a quick run to my house to get us fun stuff to do, maybe snacks."
Alexandra replied fairly quickly.

"Ooo. Okay. See you later. Love you."
Calum says.

"Love you more!"
Alexandra says kissing him on the cheek.

Alexandra walks out of the room and out of the sliding doors.

She gets on her bike and immediately arrived at home.
She asked her mom if she could stay in the hospital for the night.

Her mom said only if she would be careful.
Alexandra rushed into the kitchen with a small bag.

She gets some snacks. Including drinks.

She says goodbye to her mum and heads out the door.

She put the bag on the front of her bike and flew off.

The breeze flowing through her hair, cold nights.
Alexandra puts her bike inside the bike rack and tightly ties it.

She ran in.
She takes all the small steps to Calum's room.
She entered the room.

Calum was just simply staring at his nails.
Alexandra screams.

Calum does a mini jump.
Then looks up to see a huge bag of fun stuff combined with snacks.

Calum shouts.

"SHHHH! You're gonna wake up the other people."
Alexandra said laughing.

Calum giggles.
Alexandra sits on the nice comfy hospital bed.

They chew down on their snacks....
It was almost midnight.
Alexandra was passed out next to Calum.

Calum couldn't sleep.
His eyes were wide open.
He could feel his body getting numb. He had no clue why.

Why are all these bad things happening to Calum?!
It's so unfair!
He was such a great person and he gets such a bad life for it?!

Calum just wanted to live a simple life he loved.
But at this moment he couldn't.

He gets up and walks slowly into the bathroom.
He feels his body weaken as he tried taking steps.
One turning smaller then the other.

Dizzy vision, head spinning.
Calum's body collapses to the ground in weakness.

Calum didn't look very well.
His face was pale.

Only God knows what happens next...

And God only knows his fate. God knows he could make it.

But at some point he would have to give up.

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