n i n e t e e n

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Alexandra kicks him in the nuts.

A teachers walks in seeing that Andrew had her pinned to a wall and her crying.

The teacher rips Andrew off.

"What do you think your doing young man?!"
The teacher screams.

"She's my girlfriend."
Andrew says.

The teacher looks up at Alexandra and gives her the look saying "is he?"

"No he isn't. He was trying to touch me!"
Alexandra says feeling tears.

"Andrew Drew Monsonily! Your going to the principals office."
The teacher says grabbing him by his hand and dragging him out.

Alexandra drops to the floor in tears.
What will she tell Calum?!

She was laying their crying her eyes out.
Another teacher walks in because the other teacher sent her In to see if Alexandra was okay.

"Honey! Are you okay? Where did he touch you?"
The teacher says slowly approaching her.

The teacher kneels down putting her arm around her trying to make her feel better
and safe.

He touched me everywhere..."
Alexandra replied in complete terror.

"Cmon honey. Who is your science teacher?"
The teacher asks.

Alexandra replied.

"Okay I will talk to her."
The teacher says.

The teacher helps Alexandra up and takes her out of the bathroom.

"Your gonna have to go to the principals office to explain to him."
The teacher friendly says.

Alexandra stutters.
The teacher walks her to the principals office.

The teacher leaves so she could keep her there with her still feeling well.

Alexandra explains everything to the principal.
He principal suspends Andrew for a week.

Then he sends Alexandra home.
Alexandra goes into the office to wait for her mom to come and pick her up.

10 minutes go by....

Her mom finally arrived.
She runs in and helps Alexandra with her bag.

"Alexandra! are you okay?! Where did he touch you?"
Her mom says while walking with her to the car.

"Everywhere. Mom I have to see Calum. He helps me calm down."
Alexandra spoke as she went into the car.

"Okay honey."
JoJo agrees with a small smile.

JoJo gets in the car and they drove straight to the hospital.

They arrive.
Alexandra gets out of the car and speed walks to Calum's room.

Calum says in a happy tone.

Alexandra smiled.
"Calum... I have something to tell you... But please, don't flip out."
Alexandra spoke sitting down next to Calum.

"What?! What is it?!"
Calum spoke.

"Well Andrew was in my science class and I asked to go to the bathroom and he did too. Meanwhile he went in the girls bathroom and pinned me to the wall. That's why I came home early... Because he touched me... everywhere."
Alexandra explains.

Calum's eyes widened as she finished her sentence.

"Nonononono! W-why? Why would he do this to you?! No! are you okay?!"
Calum said panicking.

"I'm fine Calum. I just needed to see you."
Alexandra spoke.

Calum smiles and takes her in for a hug.
They kiss a bit.

They end up cuddling and falling back to bed considering of how tired they were.

Then a figure passed the room.
Then again.
Then again.
Then again.

Then the figure put he/her foot out and was about to step inside the room.

(cliffhanger. hehe)

///•Author Note•///

Hello lovely people! Thank you so much for reading my story. It means the absolute world to me. Tell me if you like it in the comments!
Love you all

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