e i g h t e e n

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Alexandra woke up to see a light strike coming through one of the windows but it was pitch black outside...

She leans up to see she wasn't in the same room that Calum was in.

She started to get extremely confused.
She jumps off the bed and takes a peak inside Calum's room.

She gasps.
The sight of seeing Calum and breathing tubes all over his mouth.

The nurse notices Alexandra noticed Calum.
She rushed over to her and distracts her.

"Hey, listen I can explain everything after. Please head to bed you have school tomorrow."
The nurse says in a friendly voice tone.

"Is Calum gonna be okay?!"
Alexandra says feeling her heart race through her chest.

"He will be fine. Please, go to bed sweetie."
The nurse spoke possibly begging her.

Calum's eyes creek open with a blurry sight.
The doctor notices and runs to the medicine cabinet.

He grabs Calum's medicine and speed walks into his room.

"Calum? Take this and you will be fine."
The doctor spoke leading his hand out to Calum.

Calum slowly sits up trying his best.
His hand shakes as he takes the medicine.

He drinks it and the doctor helps him back down.
He walks out of the door. 

Calum could not take the pain.
Alexandra runs into his room.

He used all his muscles to smile.
She hugs him lightly so she wouldn't hurt him.

"Hey Calum, are you okay?!"
Alexandra says still shaking.

"I-I'm fine. I'm just a little nervous."
Calum spoke.

Alexandra says trying her best to not cry.

The doctor interrupts.
"Hello Calum, Alexandra. Alexandra you may take him to a coffee shop or something but just hold his hand so he is steady. He has to come back here though."
The doctor explains.

"Thank you! I will definitely make sure."
Alexandra says smiling.

"Calum where would you like to go?"
Alexandra asks holding his hand and he laid down.

"The cafe."
Calum answers.

Alexandra smiled and helps him up.
She held his hand tightly the whole way.

They finally arrived.
Alexandra takes a peak at what time it was;

She needed to get ready for school in 2 hours.
Alexandra opens the door and Calum sits himself down.

Alexandra gets their lattes and sat down.
Then came over Lika.

"Heyyyyy Calum"
Lika speaks.

"Leave me alone please Lika my head is pounding just by the sound of your voice."
Calum speaks not making eye contact.

Lika gives Alexandra a disgusted look.

"Why are you even dating him?"
Lika asks.

"Because I love him."
Alexandra spoke.

"Yeah right. I probably love him more then you do."
Lika said trying to argue.

"At this point I think your just desperate for drama so I'm not even gonna start with you. Now please leave."
Alexandra says totally neglecting her.

Lika pours her drink on Alexandra and walks away.

Alexandra looks at her like she was about to punch her.
Calum looks up.

He reaches his hand out trying to stop her.

Instead of punching her Alexandra kicked Lika in her shin and caused her to fall.

Then unexpected Alexandra picks up Calum and runs outside the store.

"Wow, surprised you could even pick me up."
Calum says giggling.

Alexandra could tell after Calum giggled his chest hurt.
Calum grabbed his chest feeling stings.

Calum screeches in pain.

Alexandra panics and runs back to the hospital holding Calum with all her power.

She arrived running back in and laying him in his hospital bed.

Calum took a deep breath and felt it all go away.

"I'm so so so sorry Calum! I have to go to school...."
Alexandra frowns.

Calum frowns in sadness.

"Okay see you later. Love you."
Calum spoke.

"Love you more calum."
Alexandra said.

Alexandra kisses Calum and she heads off to school.

She missed the bus so she just walked.

She arrives into her home room and waits for the bell to go off for her first period of lessons.

First was science.
She gets her textbook and heads to science class.

She sat down and opens to the page directed on the board.

She started studying and you could only guess who came in.
That's right, Andrew.

Andrew of course sat next to her.

"Heyy Alexxxxx."
Andrew spoke.

"Please Andrew, I have had a hard two days. Please. I'm begging you to leave me alone."
Alexandra begged.

"Why is that?"
Andrew asks.

"None of your fucking business."
Alexandra says aggravated.

Thank the lord the teacher didn't hear.

"Ohh I know. Is little Cally-Poo in the hospital? Aww. To bad."
Andrew said with a fake frown.

Alexandra raised hand to go to the bathroom to wash herself up cause she could feel her tears coming down.

The teacher agreed.
Then, Andrew asks to go too.

Alexandra runs to the bathroom.
She runs into the bathroom.

Andrew followed her.
He runs in and pins her to the wall.

"God you look great today."
Andrew said biting his lip.

"Get off me!"
Alexandra spoke.

Andrew scans her body.
He was trying to rip her clothes off.

If only Calum was here....

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