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"What is it?!"
Calum says in complete fear.

"I'm going on a vacation... Which I would be going to Florida for a bit and coming back."
Alexandra said staring to the ground trying her best not to cry.

"No! No! Please don't go. I can't live a day without you in my arms. You can't!"
Calum said holding in his tears.

"I'm sorry Calum. I leave in 2 days. I won't be here till February of next year. I won't be able to make New Years. Please Calum. I'm begging you don't cheat on me. I love you so much."
Alexandra explained.

"I would never. Alexandra I promise you I would never cheat on you. AND FEBRUARY NO I CANT! That's so long! No no! Next year. I wouldn't see you for 2 months! You would miss my birthday..."
Calum said with sadness flowing over him.

They couldn't hold it in.
Alexandra started to flow down with tears.
Then Calum saw that she was crying so he started to cry.

He couldn't see her for 2 months?!

Alexandra was just hoping that he wouldn't ever cheat on her.
She loved him so much, she would never want him to do that especially with all of drama happening.

They were just both hoping that 2 months would go fast.

• Florida Day•

Alexandra was packing her clothes.
After her suitcase was full she went to put it in the car.

Alexandra laid in her driveway waiting for Calum.
then she realized that she had 10 minutes until they left for Florida.

She immediately ran over to his house and rang the doorbell.

Calum answers the door and saw that it was Alexandra.

He hugged her.
Which would be their last hug in a while.

"I'm gonna miss you so much baby."
Calum spoke feeling tears falling down his cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you more. I love you so much."
Alexandra says not wanting to let go.

"I love you more. I can't imagine this year without you. Text me everything. I care so much about you. Please let me know your safe. At least tell me if you ha a safe flight so I wouldn't worry."
Calum explained.

"I will Calum. I will struggle these 2 months without you. I promise I will be back sooner then you would expect. I love you so much."
Alexandra says with her face filling with tears. Even more than before.

"Time to go Alexandra!"
JoJo screams.

"No! No!"
Calum says crying.

"See you in February baby. I love you Calum."
Alexandra says crying.

"I love you more."
Calum spoke.

They gave each other a kiss and their last hug for 2 months.

"Goodbye Calum."
Alexandra says.

"Goodbye Alexandra."
Calum says dropping to the driveway pavement with sadness.

Alexandra goes in the car and rolls down the window waving to Calum.

Alexandra's vision gets blurred with the tears in her eyes.
She texts Calum immediately.

Text Messages

A= Alexandra

A: i love you so much Calum Thomas Hood.
C: I love you more. I miss you already ;(
A: hopefully it will go soon baby.
C: I hope so too. I will be waiting.
A: losing Internet. Ttyl calum. ily.
C: ily more. ttyl <3

Alexandra put on music and continued to jam to her favorites.

She cried just thinking about leaving Calum and not seeing him for 2 months!

She felt so bad because she would miss his birthday.

•Plane Ride•

Alexandra sat in her seat and got the window seat.

She kinda liked window seats but then again she didn't.

Alexandra tried getting Internet to text Calum but it didn't work.

•The Arrival•

"We have made our stop. We can now escort all passengers out of the plane."
The plane direction directs.

JoJo holds Alexandra's hand and walks out of the plane.

They go to the airport and go to the wonderful world of Florida.

First JoJo and Alexandra got a hotel for the night so they could put down all their bags at least.

They went into the room.
It had 2 luscious white sheeted beds, and shining windows.

They laid their bags next to the bags and then headed out of the hotel to explore Florida.

They went to get something to eat other then that crappy plane food.

They got food and continued their journeys around Florida, and before they knew it the days flew by...

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