t h i r t y - o n e

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•/the next day\•

Calum wakes up feeling as happy as ever.
He felt like he was riding a unicorn and carrying puppies at the same time.

•/Calum's POV\•

I'm really hyped.
I feel like I could run a marathon and win.

Sorry, had too.

Anyways I just decided to go downstairs because why not.
Plus I'm hungry.

I have no idea why Luke wasn't home yet.
He better not ruin my mood.
I'm cold.
I have no shirt on.

I guess I will call Luke.
Time for the majestic phone call conversation.

U= unknown
C= meeee / calum
L= lukey
•/phone call\•

C: hey where are you? You haven't been home lately.
L: I'm with arzaylea...
C: oh ok. See you later?
L: wait Calum!
C: yes?
L: can I tell you something?
C: yeah of course.
L: can you pick me up?
C: yeah... And that's all you needed to ask?
L: no...
C: go on...
L: I kinda have a major problem...
L: last night I got drunk and I woke up in a strangers apartment.
L: they had 5sos pictures all over their room so they were a fan but they basically kidnapped me.
L: they literally tied me to a bed and wanted to rape me or some shit.
L: and I really don't know where I am.
C: wow ok ummm. Can you put on the find friends app? Then I can ask siri or some shit.
L: good idea.
L: ....
L: ....
L: did it.
C: ok I got it.
L: oh shit Calum.
C: what?
L: they are coming. I can hear them. ffffuck.
C: oh shit. Try asking them if they could let you go idk.
L: okay...
U: Heyy lukey pookey.
L: can you please untie me?
U: only if you do one thing.
L: what is it?
U: if you 1: take a picture with me. And 2: fuck me.
L: I can take a picture with you but there is no fucking way I'm having sex with you.
U: how about a kiss?
L: fine.
U: well done. You can leave.
L: see you later fucker!
C: are you out yet.
L: I just jumped out of the fucking window. That hurt.
I'm running for my life at this exact moment.
C: ok. Just run to the convenient store. It's right down the road. I will pick you up there.
L: ok bye Calum.
C: bye.
Alrighty. Wow now I have to pick up Luke. This is gonna be fun.

I once again went without a shirt.
As soon as I get inside of the car Luke texts me.


I reply.

C: just keep running and try finding a hiding spot.

Pretty bad advice.
I know.

He replies.

L: thanks for the useful information.

That was obviously sarcasm.
He is lucky I'm even picking him up rn.

I drove off and took the location and put it on the GPS thing.

After about fifteen minutes I finally get there.
I saw him running.

I pull up whilst he is running and beep.
He jumps in the passenger seat.

Luke screams as he closes the door.

I go faster as the girl attempts to follow but fails.
Finally, she is gone.

Another fifteen minutes go by and we finally get home.
Luke groans and ran inside.

I guess he had a tough night.
I quickly get out of the car and head inside.

Alexandra was probably still sleeping.
I speed walk into the living room seeing that Michael was having a chat with Luke.

I just go onto the kitchen.
Nobody there.

I first went into the room me and Alexandra share.

She wasn't there.
Maybe she is just in the bathroom.

Anyways. I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap.


"Crumbling under pressure"

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