t w e n t y - n i n e

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Calum was driving straight to the coffee shop knowing she was there for sure.

He parks the car and storms inside the coffee shop.
The same woman was there.
So was the guy.

"Hello Andrew. Nice seeing you."
Calum says clenching his fists.

Everybody watched.
Andrew slowly turns around.

"Wow Calum. Nice to know you don't look Asian as much."
Andrew spitefully answers.

"You think you could lay a hand on Alexandra? She is a girl. Respect her."
Calum spoke.

The woman now realized that he was her boyfriend.

"She came home crying cause your ass. I think it's time for you to have a taste of your own medicine asshole."
Calum spoke.

He took his ear and dragged him outside.
Calum punches him right in his face.
Then again.

Causing his face to look like absolute shit.
Calum had his nose blood all over his clenched fists.

Calum spits on him and walks back to the car.
Andrew was in tears.
He deserved it.

Calum drove back home.
He walks inside the door noticing Ashton was still trying to let her heal from that.

Calum walks into the kitchen.

"Calum! What happened?"
Alexandra exclaims.

"Nothing. The thing that happened was karma."
Calum said still pissed off.

Ashton realized his bloody fists.
He didn't mention it.

Calum goes to the sink washing the blood.
Alexandra watched him clean the blood off knowing exactly what he did.

•/Calum's POV\•

I'm fucking pissed off.
He had the nerve to lay a hand on her once again.

He is a total drug addict.
He looked horrible. That's why he looks even more now.

He was never attractive.
Andrew was always a pathetic bastard.

•/third person\•

Ashton wonders where Michael and Luke were.
He calls them stepping outside.

phone call

A: hey! Where are you?
M: at the interview you idiots missed.
A: oh. oh whale.
M: only me and Luke are here.
A: oh and have you ever heard of the kid Andrew?
M: yes...!
A: who is he?
M: well I grew up with Alexandra basically and he was the boy who would always try to date her and shit. He was a asshole.
A: woah
M: at some point he attempted to rape her. She had a really bad childhood. Almost kidnapped from a man in a van, me and Calum immediately went outside and saved her.
A: holy crap dude.
M: why do you mention him?
A: well Alexandra went to the coffee shop I guess and he came in and slapped her multiple times.
M: oh no he fucking didn't. That asshole! He is back. What did Calum do?
A: he went to the coffee shop without a word and I guess beat him up because he came home with bloody fists.
M: damn. well I will be home in a while to talk.
A: ok bye bud
M: bye bye

Ashton hangs up and heads back inside.

Alexandra had her face shoved in a pillow.
Calum was next to her trying to make her happy.

She didn't want to move.
Her body felt weak.
Calum was cuddling her trying to cheer her up.

Calum was only the one to make her happy.
He is so bubbly and happy it's cute.

Calum never failed to make her smile.
Her cries turned into giggles.

She gets her face out of the pillow.
She smiles at Calum.

Alexandra was about to kiss him but was interrupted.

Calum slowly gets up answering the door.

A unknown voice spoke.

Calum froze.

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