Three rooms two brothers and one new life

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I woke up that morning from a deep sleep. I rolled over from the sunlight that was creeping it's way into my bedroom through the curtains. I let out a monster like morning groan and grabbed my phone and checked the time. 8:09 am. It was still too early.

"Angeline? Are you up yet?" My mother's voice called from the other side of the door.

"No..." I answered back. I grabbed my pillow and placed it over my head, blocking out all sound.

I soon felt the bed dip, guessing it was my mother, I let go of the pillow so I could hear. The pillow still laid on my face. "Come on sweetie, I need to get you ready for the prince."

I sat up and pushed my hair back from out of my face. My mother made me get up and lead me to my closet. She decided to pick out an outfit for me to wear for the prince. I didn't have many dresses so I didn't have much of a choice. She decided on a blue Sunday dress with white flats. My mother put my hair up in a messy bun and applied light eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. And I was done.

I grabbed my suit case and waited patiently on the couch for the Royal family to arrive. I went on to my cell phone to pass the time. Playing any games I could find, soon ending up playing a game called 2048.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. My father opened the door and there stood a man and a women. King Andrew and Queen Sedona. I could tell it was them because of their attire and I've read a lot of magazines. It's not like I have an actual life or anything.

"Hello King Andrew and Queen Sedona, welcome to my house." He said with a warm smile and bowed. "Please come in."

The King held up his hand. "No, thank you, we must be on our way. We just came for Angeline." He told my father. My father just nodded and put on a fake smile. I guess he was really looking forward to the King and Queen being in our house.

"Of course. I will go see if she is ready." He walked over to me and pulled me up, so I was standing, and lead me to the front door. "Have fun Angeline. I love you." He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He never gives me a kiss on the cheek... Before I left he whispered something in my ear. "Do not embarrass me, if you do this is the last time you set a foot in this house hold."

I nodded and backed away. As if I wasn't already nervous his words sent me over the edge.

"Come Angeline. We have much to discuss." The Queen said. I nodded and I followed them outside to my front porch. Before me was a limo, like a really nice limo celebrities ride in, not the ones you rent. My mouth literally dropped open. I've never really seen a limo before. Like I've said before I read a lot of magazines. I have seen a couple pictures where the King and Queen have arrived to a special event in one of them. But seeing the limo before me, I was shocked.

"Are you coming miss?" The chauffeur said. He was a slim, tall man. Around his mid 50's, why he was the driver of the two most important people is beyond me. He wore a suit and was bald except for a couple hairs popping out of his hair.

"Yes. Sorry." I grabbed my bags and got in the limo. Inside there were a million cup holders, four couches, and a remote that did something. The chauffeur closed the car door and got in the driver seat. And so we drove off.

The King must have seen me studying the remote, he let out a chuckle and said "Would you like to see what it does?"

I nodded my head wildly. He grabbed the remote and pressed a button. I jumped at the loud sound radiating through the vehicle. Suddenly music began to play and lights flashed all around us. The king and queen began to dance around to the beat of the music, they were laughing and having a great time. I could only sit there and stare at them. How could the too most powerful people be this fun?

Finally the car slowed down as we neared our destination. We neared the gate and the window rolled down, probably the chauffeur asking for us to be let in through the gate. As we drove up i stared out the window, I couldn't help but gasp. It was a huge palace, like the castle in Cinderella, but some how even more beautiful.

The car stopped before the front of the palace. There were huge, beautifully cut doors with golden door knobs. The chauffeur opened the door and I stepped out of the limo. I was lead inside the palace by the king and queen.

Before me stood a quite old fashioned room, but still looked like they just built it. The floors looked so clean you could probably eat off them. There was a crystal chandelier, a stair case that curved with red carpet trailing on it, and beautiful ballroom area.

"Please make yourself at home. Their are plenty of bedrooms upstairs, just choose any one you like. Our son, the prince, is staying in the room down the hall and to the right." The Queen told me.

I thanked her and hurried upstairs. They weren't kidding about the bedrooms, there had to be a hundred rooms! I just quickly picked one and stick with it. I opened the bedroom door and stood before my bedroom.

It was a light purple color. In the middle of the room sat a king sized bed with black silk sheets and blankets. The pillows were full of feathers and were very soft. Giant glass doors that lead to a balcony outside let in the sun's light. Everything in this place was breath taking.

I set down my bag on the bed and went on to the balcony. The cool October breeze filled my long brown hair. And guess what? The view was just as beautiful as the palace. There was a garden of all different types of flowers, and behind the garden lay a first of tall trees.

I let out a sigh. This was beautiful and all, but I already grow home sick. This whole place couldn't replace my family and my true home. But I had to look at the bright side- It was only for three weeks and it wasn't like I was staying in a dump.

"So you must be Angeline." My head flung around to the voice. There stood a very good looking man. He had blonde hair, green eyes, and wore a v-neck shirt, skinny jeans, and Vans.

"Who... A-Are you the prince?" I said nervously.

He smirked at this. "No, we'll sort of. I'm his brother. The second in line, the second Prince. Hello, I'm Brandon." He bowed before me. I didn't know what to do, I've never been bowed to before. He stood up and looked at me funny. "You've seen a bow before, right?"

"Well, I've seen my father bow, but I've never actually bowed before. I'm sorry, I don't know what to do." I said, chuckled nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well here, let me teach you. This is how men bow." He bet over and stood up again. "Of course you've seen a man bow. And now this is how woman bow." He grabbed his imaginary dress and pulled up, then crossed his leg and bet down. "Now you try."

I tried and I think I did it right. When I finished I heard him clap his hands and laugh. For some reason his laugh made me want to laugh with him. "Not bad." He said with a smile.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Mother and Father said dinner will be ready shortly. I suggest you wear something... Respectable." And with that he left my room leaving me bewildered and confused.

What on Earth and I gonna wear?

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