The Distance Between Us

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I've never felt so useless. Completely and utterly useless.

Angeline sat in my arms, tears running down her face, as I sat there. All I could do was sit there, running my fingers through her hair, maybe large figure wrapped around her small frame. This helped a little, but she was still tense in my arms.

It didn't help. I couldn't make her pain go away. I couldn't help her. She's scared. Of me. Of our situation. Of everything.

I can't change who I am.

The only thing I could think of doing was to leave her alone. To get her away from me.

I could hear her soft cries beyond the large bedroom door. I could just imagine her small frame leaning against her bed side, crying. All because of me.

The walk down the long hallway only made me worse. The distance between us grew with every step I took away from her door. Her whimpers softened as I made my way down the hallway.

Before I knew it, I was in my office. The room was very organized. My papers for the day sat on my desk in a neat pile, ready for me to work on. The rugged floor had just been vacuumed with not a crumb to be found. Everything was very neat and clean.

Key word 'was'.

I slammed my door in a fit of rage and made my way to my desk. Papers flew off the desk and surrounded me as if it began to snow. My hands gripped under the desk and in one swift motion the desk flew across the room. I pushed the filing cabinets to the floor as if they were nothing. Papers and documents spilled out of the drawers, but I didn't care. My pain for her didn't subside. It only grew.

"Prince Matthew!" A voice behind me yelled.

My attention turned to the source of the voice and there stood one of my father's personal guards, Derek I believe his name was. He is much older then most of the staff we have working here, but our family is definitely older by a long shot. If you had seen him passing by along, you would've thought he was in his mid 30s, but in reality he is over 200 years old.

"What?" I snapped at him. He didn't seem even fazed by my sudden out burst. That's why he's a personal guard, he's the best of the best. He's been trained to deal with different situations, even in some cases the royal family itself.

"Sir. I would like to ask you to calm down. Look at the mess you are making. Think of the maids having to clean up your little temper tantrum." Derek spoke sternly and with confidence, fully knowing I am stronger than him.

I let out a deep sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, moving the lose strands out of my eyesight. "She's scared of me. I can't even touch her without frightening her." I spoke more out loud then towards Derek.

"Prince Matthew, I am not your therapist. I am a vampire." He walked a few step towards me until he was by my side, standing over my figure. "But, I do understand your situation. My mate used to be terrified of me as well."

My eyes met with his, his dark blue held sorrow and pain in them. His mate had passed away 50 years ago due to an accident. Losing your mate like that has to be the most painful experience to go through, yet Derek continues to move forward. I have all the respect in the world for him.

"What should I do, Derek?" My voice laced with desperation.

As Derek was about to answer, there was a knock at my office door and an urgent voice asking if they may enter.

One of Angeline's maids walked into the room. She on the other hand, lacked confidence around me and usually twiddled her thumbs in my presence. But now she stood up straight, her facial expression showed worry, the kind of worry that sent me on high alert.

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