The Encounter

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I decided to pick a pair of some nice skinny jeans with a long sleeve shirt and converse shoes. I put my hair up in a doughnut bun and applied some light makeup. I then made my way down the stairs and found myself in the ballroom. I kind of just wondered around the house to find the kitchen.

I finally found the kitchen after a while. The King, Queen, and Brandon sat at the long dinner table, quietly eating their dinner. They must have not even realized I was standing there because they didn't even acknowledge me.

"Hello Angeline. Instead of just standing there, you may take a seat with us." Okay maybe they did. The king didn't even have to look up and he knew I was standing there.

I stood there not sure how to act, but soon found myself ending up sitting in an empty chair next to Brandon. Their cook brought me a plate of food they had whipped up for dinner. It was a slice of pizza. I furrowed my brows in confusion at the royal family, definitely not expecting pizza for dinner in a royal house hold.

"Angeline is something bothering? Is something wrong with your pizza?" The Queen asked. I snapped out of my confusion and found them staring at me.

"Yes- I mean no... it's just that I never expected the royal family to enjoy pizza." I spoke quietly but loud enough for them to hear me. Before I even knew what happened they began to laugh.

"Oh honey, even being in the royal family, that doesn't mean we don't like that same things that you do." The Queen chuckled. I slumped down in my chair and my cheeks turned a light shade of pink, growing hot to the touch.

"Oh, I'm sorry my queen-" I began to mumble an apology to her when she held up her hand, telling me to stop.

"Please dear, just call me Sedona and my husband Andrew. Queen and King sound too formal for around here." Sedona gave me a great, toothy smile. For some reason her smile made me want to smile back at her.

"Alright, Sedona. Do you think I could get a fork and knife?" I spoke. Sedona nodded and one of the workers brought me a fork and knife. She looked about 15 years old, with blue eyes and ombré hair. She is probably a slave, due to the outfit she wore. I thanked her and took the utensils in my hands. I slowly began to cut the pizza into little squares. Stabbing the slice with my fork I plopped the food in my mouth.

I lifted my gaze to 3 confused stares. "What?" I mumbled with pizza in my mouth. Classy, Angie.

"Angeline... Have you ever eaten a pizza before?" Sedona asked. I placed the fork and knife down and stared at them puzzled.

"Of course I have. Why?" Not understanding why they were asking me this, I noticed Brandon staring at my food.

"You're cutting up your pizza slice." Brandon said quickly, almost as if he was uncomfortable. Why, it's only pizza?

"Yes, I like eating my pizza like this. You don't get your fingers dirty." I smiled. I know this was weird, I know how to properly eat a pizza but I've always preferred eating this way.

After that Brandon just mumbled a small 'oh' and smiled. Sedona and Andrew then carried on their conversation with us, but I tuned them out. Brandon seemed to be doing the same, he had his gaze set on me. Making me feel self conscious my cheeks grew red and hot. I poked my pizza not knowing where else to focus my attention without looking at him.

"Angeline?" A deep voice snaps me back out of my thoughts. Andrew stared back at me waiting for me to answer him.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I said quietly, embarrassed. Andrew let out a soft chuckle with a smirk. I can see the resemblance Brandon has with his father. Like his father, Brandon has his same green eyes and face structure. They look like brothers, but of course Andrew is older then Brandon.

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