Hakuna Matata isn't for everyone

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I walked into the living room following Matthew, I asked him to show me around the palace and we have been doing so for the past 30 minutes. This place was huge and I was bound to get lost! Luckily I'm starting to get to know my way around here because of Matthew.

Matthew's back muscles flexed through his shirt. And for some reason I just wanted to run my fingers down his back. Trace every detail in his back-

"Son. I see you have met Angeline." Andrew said as he walked up to us. I shook my perverted thoughts away and gave Andrew a small smile.

"Yes. I was just introducing myself." Matthew said, I gave him a sideways glance.

"Oh. Did you behave yourself?" Andrew raised his brow and I almost scoffed.

"Yes. Isn't that right Angeline?" He said, hinting to play along.

"Uh.. yea! I got a little lost... and Matthew here showed me the way. Without him I would have never found my way around!" I put on my best forced smile. I wanted to ask badly about the room with the freezer but I knew I should keep my mouth shut for now. What was in there? Did the prince secretly have an eating disorder or something? Were they killers and body's were hidden in there from their last kill?

"Ah. I see. Well I hope you have taken some time to look at our library. We have many books all around the world from different times in there." Andrew said with a smile. Matthew seemed to chuckle slightly at his statement, covering it with a forced cough, as if I'm missing the punchline to a joke. I give him a confused face but he either doesn't see me or ignores me.

"I will be sure to take a look into your collection. I am a huge book reader and it would be great to find some more material to read."

"Is that so? What is your favorite book?" My favorite book? How could I possibly have a favorite?

"I love all but I guess if I had to chose it would be... To Kill a Mockingbird." I said outing a finger to my face thinking about the book.

"A classic, great choice. That is one of my favorites as well. Harper Lee is a fantastic author and has such a way with words."

"Agreed." I smile.

"Well this has been fun, but I must get back to royal duties. See you two later." Andrew then walked away and into his office.

When Andrew left I decided to head to the kitchen. Not before I felt a tight grip on my wrist forcing me to stop in my place. Matthew stared at me with soft eyes and a small smile. "I just wanted to say thank you and I owe you one." Matthew giving me a soft look with pain filled eyes. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"Why? You were just telling me to keep out?" I questioned.

"Your our guest. Being royal means first impression is incredibly important. And acting like that towards a guest is inexcusable. I'm sorry."

I just stared at him in shock, never in my life would I have imagined a prince speaking to me, let alone saying sorry. I just froze, not knowing what to do or say.

"What? Was it something I said?" Matthew asked.

"No no, I'm just surprised that your saying sorry to me. Cause you know... you being royalty and all..." I have never felt so awkward in my life. I don't know why I'm acting like this, I've never been nervous around anyone.

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