Expect the Unexpected

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I didn't react. I couldn't react. I was too shocked in the moment to do anything. But when realization came to me I shoved Brandon off of me. But he wouldn't stop and kept coming back for more.

"Brandon." I tried. Nothing.

"Brandon get off!" But he didn't stop. He looked at me with hungry eyes.

"Brandon! Stop!" I shouted and pushed him off with all of my strength. He landed on the floor, dumbfounded. It was almost as if he was possessed and didn't know what he was doing.

"Ang I- I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."

Before I could utter another word Brandon had left the room. In the blink of an eye I was left alone only to the sound of the rain pouring down on the windows. I stood up abruptly, not sure what to do with myself. Not sure what to feel.

I turned out of the living room and ran up the stairs toward my bedroom. Slamming the door closed I slid my back down the wood until I was sitting against the door. I felt like my mind went numb. I couldn't feel anything, almost as if my senses had shut off.

He kissed me. Me. Why? He doesn't even know me. It's not like I'm special. I'm just a girl from town, that was forced to stay with the prince, for God knows how long. I'm suppose to live here with Matthew, but what about be with him? What is going on?

Standing up from my uncomfortable position on the floor and walked over and laid down on my bed. I let out a sigh and just stared at the ceiling for a long period of time.

Where is Brandon? Where did he disappear to after? Why did he kiss me? Was Lion King his favorite movie? So many questions swirled in my mind as I stared at the imperfect paint job on the ceiling. The little mistakes I could point out gave me something to do with my time and helped me avoid thinking.

Knock Knock

A long groan left my throat as a sat up. I approached the door expecting to see Brandon. But it wasn't Brandon.

Matthew stood at my door with a warm smile. I gave him a small smile, earning a puzzled look from him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I leaned against the frame of the door. "Yeah. I'm just tired." I said putting on my best fake smile.

"What's wrong?" He said with no emotion. Obviously not not buying my acting. Maybe I should have paid more attention in theater.

"I told you. I'm tired. Now if you would excuse me-" I spoke as I began to close the door. Before it fully closed, something made it stop. I looked down at Matthew's boot holding the door open.

I gave him a pointed look and he gave me one in return. "Your lying. You know it's very rude to lie, especially when you are a guest in our house." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"This isn't exactly a house you know. We should discuss the differences between house and palace tomorrow. Like the size. There have to be at least a hundred rooms alone on the first floor. While in a house, such as mine, we only have 7 rooms in total. There's my room, my brothers room, my parents room, the kitchen with dinning, two bathrooms and the living room. Also there's the-" i was cut off with my gibberish with an annoyed Matthew.

"Angeline. Move now." His voice gave me chills down my spin. I've never heard a voice that deep and threatening before.

I sighed and moved out of the doorway, letting him in my room. He came in and say on the corner of my bed, while I sat in my desk chair.

"Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" Matthew said impatiently.

I took in a deep breath and let it out really slowly. "It's about Brandon." I started. He raised his eyebrows, telling me to continue. "Well, we were watching the Lion King and..."

"Angeline I don't have all day. Tell me what is going on." I bowed my head, for some reason afraid to tell Matthew. But why should I be?

"BrandonKissedMe." I said quickly and quietly.

"What? Can you say that again? A lot slower." He said, a hint of annoyance in his words.

"Well, we were watching-" I said really really slowly.

Matthew gave me an annoyed look. "Angeline, please talk like an adult." I nodded. "Now say it again, like a normal person."

I blew out a puff of air. Well, we were watching the Lion King... And Brandon kissed me." I blurted out.

Matthew's face froze, stuck in an angry-confused face. "What?" He said making a fist. I watched as his fists turned to different colors. Purple... Red... White... "Where is he?" Matthew said in a very stern voice.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

He grabbed my wrist, tight, and looked me dead in the eyes. "Don't lie to me, tell me where he is." He said through gritted teeth.

"Matthew... Y-Your... Hurting me... " I said trying to pry his hand off my wrist.
"Please let go."

His head snapped to my wrist then to the door. In that short moment, I could have swore to see red in his eyes. He slowly let go of my wrist and stood up. "I'll be right back." And with that, he flung open the door and ran out of the room.

I quietly got up from the bed and ran through the hallway, down the stairs. I could hear the screams and yells of Matthew in the living room. I kept my distance from them, so they wouldn't see me.

"You kissed her?!" Matthew yelled at the top of his lungs.

I peaked my head in through the entry way. Matthew stood face-to-face with Brandon, both shooting daggers at each other.

They said something after but I couldn't hear it. Before you knew it Matthew was shoving Brandon. Both of them throwing punches. Matthew punched Brandon across the face, hard, sending him into the wall. When he got out of the wall, a print of his body could be seen.

How did he do that? There's no way someone could punch that hard.

"That's it!" Brandon shouted and lunged at Matthew. They both wrestled on the floor, destroying anything that got in their way.

Brandon picked up a chair and broke one of the legs off of it. His eyes went completely red and something sharp appeared in his mouth.


He ran with incredible speed up to Matthew and tried to stab Matthew in the back. Being successful, Matthew stared at Brandon in shock. Matthew fell to his knees, trying to regain as much as air as he can. He pulled out the bloody wood stake and lifted up his shirt. Revealing not only an 8 pack, but a bloody wound that healed before my very eyes.

I didn't even realize I screamed until both Brandon and Matthew's head snapped toward my direction. I froze unable to move or speak. Matthew and Brandon were saying things but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I saw Matthew speed up to me. He was saying something but I couldn't make it out. I couldn't do anything, I know I should be running away or screaming, something. But I just couldn't.

Slowly my world grew darker and my body began to feel very heavy. My eyes closed tight as I began to fall, I could feeling something soft catch me, saying something I could not make out, yet against. One last thing I felt before I was surrounded by darkness.

• • •

Hello Everyone! I realize it is really late and you probably thing I'm crazy for posting this late. Butttt since I didn't post for a REALLY long time I thought I would post one to make up for not posting for so long.

So here you go! Please tell me what you think! Comment! Vote! Share! Thank you so much!


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