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One simple small mistake causes Ross Kutcher, a well known CEO, to start losing him company. He watched it collapsing in front of him without knowing what to do. He tried seeking help from his colleagues or friends but none of them could do anything to help him at the time.

One day while he was sitting in his huge condo with his wife and his little four year old daughters, he received a phone call from an unknown private number, when he answered it was Zachary Miller, a multi millionaire who owns a lot of companies and who's so famous for his success among people and media. He's like a legend. He was an only child so he inherited his father's wealth and started his own solo work at a very young age.

Zachary called Ross to make a deal with him. He offered him a loan to help his company flourish again, but, of course, it wasn't for free.

The deal was that when his twin daughters turn 18, Ross and Julia, his wife, should choose one of them to be Noah's wife-Zachary's second son.

Zachary is married to Alice, and has two sons, Noah and Sebastian. Even though Sebastian is older than Noah by two years, Zachary made the deal that one of the twins should be Noah's wife not Sebastian's, since Zachary believed that Noah would do a better job at being the next CEO more that his older brother.

All of Zachary's intentions from this deal is to combine his work with Ross's because he knew that Ross is a capable man and the can make a great team together that no one can compete in the future, also since their work style is always exposed to new challenges and wars, having a strong partner by your side is always better to face these challenges even if your company is the greatest.

Ross was desperate so of course he had no choice but to accept Zachary's offer even if that'll lead one of his beloved daughters to hate him.

"In 2001"

The Kutcher's family:
Ross Kutcher: 25 years old.
Julia Kutcher: 20 years old.
Mia Kutcher: 4 years old.
Chloe Kutcher: 4 years old.

The Miller's family:
Zachary Miller: 35 years old.
Alice Miller: 25 years old.
Sebastian Miller: 8 years old.
Noah Miller: 6 years old.

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