Chapter 9

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Mia's POV;

"YOU ASSHOLE SON OF A B... " Zachary Miller said raising his hand and smacking it on Noah's face. I gasped loudly and placed my hand on my mouth covering it.

Noah didn't react, his face was emotionless, his head swung to the side with the slap.

So recently i woke up on a loud knocking on our flat door, I got up from bed kinda scared, it was 7:00 am who the hell would that be.

I opened the door to reveal a very angry Zach Miller.

"Where's my pathetic excuse of a son." He shouted through the flat in my face.

Before I could reply a sleepy sound from behind me talked "I'm here father, what's wrong?"

And then Noah got that slap.


"She left." Noah answered coldly rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"That's so good for you she isn't here because if I saw her I would've ripped her's and your head. Someone captured a photo of you and her entering this flat. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU NOAH?"

Noah stayed silent so Zachary looked at me and started walking towards me "and you? Where the hell were you when he brought that hooker here?" He asked me.

"I was asleep." I Lied. Because I was awake and I was in the kitchen and I saw everything.

"Wow! so now you know your fiancé brought a whore to your flat, what'd you say about that."
He asked me again.

"It's his life, he can do whatever he wants." I answered in a cold tone.

He started clapping mockingly and let out a bitter laugh.

"I'll go and solve what you fucked up. I still don't know how would I do that but I'll figure something out." and with that said he turned around and left our flat leaving me and Noah behind.

"I'll go get ready..." I said avoiding Noah's gaze.

After I was ready, I waited for Noah to get ready as well.


Collage life is getting more boring and boring each day, there's nothing fun happening especially now that I'm 'engaged' I can't do anything childish or reckless or free spirited. Days are repeating itself, I'm so bored and lonely, also Chloe is hanging out most of her time with her new friends from collage while I'm not allowed to go out unless it's with Noah and I prefer to die rather than go out anywhere with him. He's the coldest man I've ever met In my whole life, he doesn't even try to start a conversation with me, my grandma can be more entertaining than him.

Noah dropped me at our flat and left without saying any word to me. That's unfair. I opened the flat door and screamed at the top of my lungs when I saw Sebastian sitting on the couch in the living room.

He quickly stood up raising his hands in the air and said "Calm down Mia its just me."

I was panting, my heart was in my throat "How the hell did you enter?" I asked him.

"The door wasn't locked so I made myself at home." He said smirking at me leaning on the sofa, his hands crossed over his chest.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked him while I was putting my bag in my room and checking my self in the mirror tying my blonde hair in a ponytail.

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