Chapter 15

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I woke up at 8 o'clock to something hard and heavy pressed on my chest, when I opened my eyes I saw Noah was clutching me tightly to his chest, half of his body was on me. My cheeks felt hot and I was kinda pissed. I don't remember sleeping next to him, since when I went to my room last night he wasn't even in the room, why would he sleep on the same bed as mine. But it's not the first time he did this. I remember when we first moved in to our flat I found him in my bed sleeping soundly. I think it's because of his sleeping problems. I don't know.

I started wiggling in the bed trying to get him off of me because I really needed to go to the bathroom to pee and take a shower before our day begins.

After ten minutes of failed attempt to get him off of me without waking him up I tried the other choice; which is to wake him up.

"Noah" I whispered but he didn't move.

"NOAH" I raised my voice this time which made him open his eyes up.

"What?" He asked as if it was normal for him to be lying on top of me.

"Can you ... Like move?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"No, I'm comfortable like this. Now shut up I need to sleep." He said and closed his eyes again.

"Noah, please get off of me right now."

He groaned and moved making me free of his heavy body.

I get up after stretching my limbs and made my way to the bathroom and started my morning routine. I peed, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, dry my hair and get dressed. I wore my bikini which was a black panties and a striped bra, then I wore a short off white dress above and a light blue cardigan. Which I took with me to the bathroom.

When I get out I was fully dressed and fresh. Noah was also dressed in a black shorts and a white flannel. I took my sunglasses and a hat  from my bag. Then I sat on the couch facing the bed, my phone in hand checking some messaged which were mostly from my friends asking me if I was okay after the incident. I replied to some of the messages while Noah was brushing his teeth and hair and washing his face.

I continued scrolling through my feed when someone knocked at our room door. I stood up and went to open it.

"Heeeeey, how are you today?" Chloe greeted me at the door.

"Hi, I'm fine." I said smiling at her.

"When you're finished get down for breakfast everyone is waiting for you two." She said.

"Oh, yea I'm ready let me just grab my hat and sunglasses and I'll go down with you. Wait for me." I replied and she nodded.

I entered the room and told Noah that everyone is waiting for us down. Then I grabbed my things and closed the door behind me.

"About yesterday ..." Chloe started while we were heading downstairs.

"I'm fine, really. It was nothing I promise." I answered cutting her off. She just smiled at me.


After breakfast we headed to the beach which wasn't that far from the hotel. To be honest, It was a lot of fine and I was having a great time. We swam, tanned laughed and ate for the rest of the day. Everything was fine, I was keeping distance from Noah though. I didn't want anything to interrupt my happiness today I was really enjoying my time with my family and Sebastian. Everyone was having a normal day, except of course for Noah he just laid down most of the time either on his phone or sleeping. And thankfully Zach didn't push us to 'have fun together' as he usually do. He was too busy fishing with my father. They took a small ship and went fishing. My mom and Alice were chatting often they also swam a little bit. As for Levi and Collin they spend most of the time playing and goofing around. It was so peaceful, the water felt amazing and warm from the sun light. People were everywhere but everyone mind their own business here. Every family or couple sat far away from other people enjoying themselves. As for me Chloe and Sebastian we spent the day together either swimming, tanning or pushing each other childishly into the water and laughing our asses off.

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