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"Callie listen-"

"No you listen Ryan! What, was this all some joke to you?! Is this how you treat the people you "care about"! You humiliate them in front of the entire school population?!"

"You're not listening to me! What I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen the way it did, I swear I didn't plan any of it." He pleaded with me.

I squared my jaw, already coming to the conclusion the he was just like the rest of them. I wiped at a tear that so graciously fell at the perfect moment.

"And that bit at that cabin, was that a set up?" I sniffed, begging. Almost pleading with my insides that I was wrong, because I wanted to be, so badly. Would you believe that everyone?! Callie Fisher wanted to be wrong.


"Just save it Ryan."


Well, you're probably wondering what the heck happened. I myself am still wondering the same thing. One thing I hadn't planned on was sitting here in this very seat waiting to exploit the one person I actually cared about in this hell hole.

So you're probably thinking that I should back up a few weeks, and you're probably right because there's no way you'll be able to understand why I'm doing what I plan on doing right now, even though my hands are clammy and I can barely breath.

He deserves this, they all do. I was set on doing what I had to, so I was going to-

Whoa, whoa, again, I'm going to far. So let me just back up before my big mouth can say any more and spill everything.

First, I guess I should start by saying that my name is Callie Fisher. I'm a boring 15 year old sophomore with no big house, flashy car, or million dollar family. Nope, just a hardworking underpaid mother, a no show daddy of course, and a sadistic eleven year old brother.

We stay on the side of town known as none other then "that side of town". Which is just perfectly dandy, considering we once lived in a decent place with a stupid white picket fence and a swing in the back yard. But that was a long time ago, so long ago that I forgot to remember it.

There, now that you know a little about me and my boring life story, we can get on to what really matters, why I'm out to get Them and their stupid little possy. Cliché, I know, but entirely true.

A/N Update: 6/5/2019 Hey guys! Thanks so much for all of the new interest in Something About Ryan, I wrote this some time ago and apparently it's on the rise now! I've loved reading your comments and all of the support you've given this book! It definitely needs to be edited! (I think I was like 16/17 when I wrote this and it shows lolol) which I'll be getting around to sometime after I finish my newest novel I'm working on this Watty Season! Yes it's my first time participating in all my years on Wattpad! Anyways I hope you continue to love this story and please excuse how juvenile my writing was (I promise I'm better now lol) if you love Something About Ryan be sure to check out my new Romance novel "Touched" !! If you enjoy this, you'll definitely enjoy my updated work!

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