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"B-but that can't be. She was fine, she's been doing fine for almost four years." I could hear my dad talking to my mother's doctor over in the corner. He tried to drop my brother and I off at his place, but I refused furiously, so he ended up dragging me along with him.

I had always had a strong distaste for hospitals. They made me feel trapped and uneasy, and their smell was entirely too sterile.

"Sometimes this happens, we can always start the treatment again, but right now, all we can do is hope for the best right now, she's responding to the medication we have her on, but she's not doing the greatest."

My father pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply. "Start the treatment as soon as you can. Do whatever it takes, no matter the cost, I don't want to go down this road again."

My throat got all itchy and clogged when I heard him say this. It was like he almost cared about her again, like he still loved her. Maybe he was just saying that, saying that because he felt guilty for leaving us.

I couldn't see my mother yet, so I went home later on that night in a bad mood.

"How long are we gonna be with you." The silence between my father and I was thick.

"I honestly don't know Cal, there's no telling right now. But all I can ask of you is that you please try to work with us. Okay, this is going to be hard for us all, and you know Brice and you will always be my first priority."

I quickly blinked away a tear. It was like we were falling right back into all those years ago when mom had first gotten sick, the worry, the panic, it was all there, none of us new what the next day would bring, and that was what scared all of us the most.


"You okay Fisher? You've been quiet all day." I was walking with Ethan and the bouncy girl after school. My dad's driver was picking me up and taking me to see my mom.

"Yeah no, I'm fine. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"We still on for tonight right?"

"Tonight? What's happening tonight?" Maggie looked between the two of us, her eyes expectant.

"Oh nothing special, Callie and I were just going to do some movie editing together. Right cal?" He grinned.

"Crap. I forgot about that." I'd made plans earlier in the week and now, there had been a change of events. "I don't know, some family matters that need my attention kind of came up. I can't make you any promises, but I might have to take a rain check."

"It's cool, you don't have to rush." He smiled kindly.

"Thanks." I waived to them just as my father's driver pulled up.

I got to the hospital a little after three. My mom had just gone through her first treatment. She had a brown knit hat on her head, so I knew the deed had already been done, she had her head shaved.

"Mom." Tears welled in my eyes the moment I saw her.

"Oh Callie. There you are, I was starting to think you got lost." She laughed a little before going into a coughing fit.

My eyes saddened. "Mom."

"I'm fine Cal." She smiled reassuringly.

I had to bite my tongue a moment. "Mom, please, I don't wanna lose you."

"Oh Callie, don't talk like that." She chided lightly. "You're not gonna lose me."

"How do you know that?" My eyes watered.

"Believe me baby, if I can give birth naturally to not one, but two kids, I'm sure I can handle a few rapidly growing cells."

I smiled a little. Although she was still sick, her sense of humor was still there, I guess you could say I got it from her. "I believe you."

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