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"What? Oh! I'm sorry, what'd you say?"

Ethan shook his head. "Geez, for like the third time," he laughed. "I said, Ryan's seventeenth birthday is coming up, and we were thinking of throwing a party at our parents lake house. You down?"

At the mere mention of his name my tongue swelled and my lips tingled. I still couldn't stop thinking about that kiss from a few nights ago. Since then, he'd acted as of nothing had change. He was an even bigger prick and flirted with every girl he came in contact with right in front of me. But the truth was, EVERYTHING had changed. The guy I hated I now couldn't stop thinking about. I was falling apart at the seams.

"Uh," I cleared my throat. "Um, yeah, I guess so, why not? I promise I won't poison his drinks." I laughed nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. Ergh what was wrong with me?!

Ethan gave me a funny look before he chuckled. "Right, you okay, you seem a little...off.

At the mention of it, none other then Ryan himself appeared with Jamie leached on to his arm. You really couldn't get that girl to go away. I was starting to sense that I wasn't exactly her favorite person. It was like she could sense that my feelings towards Ryan had changed, and now I was a threat.

"What are you lads talking about?" He said with a grin as he sat down next to me. I automatically scooted over so that our legs were no longer touching.

"Well, I was trying to talk to Callie about the lake party, but she's been completely out of it." He said with a roll of his eyes as he took a bite out of his burger.

Ryan looked at me with a knowing smirk. "Has she now?"

I cleared my throat, allowing my old snarky self to slip through. "Yes, your presence erks me." I tossed my hair, something I never did by he way, and sat up straighter.

He laughed, shoulder bumping me. "Sure, that's what it is." He winked at me and I felt like I would momentarily barf.

"Say Callie, do you have a boyfriend? I could set you up with someone for the party, you know, so you're not lonely?" She smiled casually but I could see right through her.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend, and to be quite honest I don't want one, and certainly not one that you would set me up with." She rolled her eyes and gave me a look but said nothing more.

"I think that's a good idea though. You need a boyfriend, maybe you'd be less...never mind." Ethan slowly trailed off as I fixed him with a look.

"I can assure you that I am perfectly fine on my own, I don't need someone holding me down, boyfriends are nothing more than a hassle. And besides, I don't find anyone attractive enough to keep my attention for more than two seconds."

"Ouch." Ethan scrunched his nose up while Jamie laughed. "Well Callie, it's nice to know that you find me to be a hideous toad." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry." I laughed. "I didn't mean you. You and Maggie are practically a couple."

"What? No, she's like a little sister to me. She's too far into the friend zone for me to ever consider it, you on the other hand," he winked.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, don't ever do that again."

He laughed. "I'm only pulling your leg Cal." He smirked.

"What about me? I'm attractive." Ryan said smugly.

"Uh, Ryan hello?!" Jamie whacked him on the arm and he held a finger up to her.

I felt my eyes roll as I tried to keep myself from blushing. Truth be told, he was incredibly attractive, more so then his step-brother who was incredibly hot. "Maybe in your opinion, but not in mine."

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