Electric Feel

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Note: So basically I signed back into wattpad and i saw that i had all these comments on a story I wrote a long time ago and this was like ages ago like I literally forgot about it but the story got the best of me and i want to write a cute little final ending to it. I SAW ALL TIME LOW FOR THE 3 TIME LAST FRIDAY AND I GOT TO EXPERIENCE THIS JALEX MOMENT SO EVEN MORE INSPIRATION SO HERE YA GO!

-- 1 year later --
3rd Pov

"I'd like to take this beautiful moment before we play this next song and go ahead and say that this loser right here. This very skunk haired boy is not only my best friend but my soulmate. And I out of all people I am lucky enough to be the only one to call him mine." Alex said into the mic looking over at jack as he leand back smiling as the crowd cheered. Jack smiled back and looked at the crowd stepping close to his mic. " Wow alex aren't you one for chick flick moments. Got me feeling some type of way." Jack said fanning himself with his hand. The crowd roared with screams. Alex winked at jack and this made the fans go even more crazy. "This next song" Alex said playing some chords to make sure his guiatar was in tuning "This next song is a song that fits the category of being in love and the effects of being in love. It causes you to do crazy shit i'll tell you that. But those very crazy things you do become memories and those memories are shared with that person who caused you to do them in the first place, so basically you look back and think "man that was hella stupid but you know what this idiot did it with me so cheers to that". Alex backed away from the mic and looked into the crowd as they screamed back at him. Jack walked to alex and sat on platform infront of alex resting his head on his arms. "And luckily for me that idiot is right here in front of me and we keep making memories." He said pointing at jack touching his nose with his finger. " But you know what? We make memories with all of you guys as well. So you guys are in this codependent relationship with us not the third wheel though, more like an entity that brings positive vibes ya know?" The crowd cheers and jack gets up putting his arm over alex's shoulder. Both of them looking into the crowd. "Me and alex have been through some crazy shit. All of us had. But These guys on stage with me and the crew and you guys have made it easier for me to keep living. And i thank you from the bottom of my heart for that." Jack said tears welling up in his eyes. Alex grabbed his head and gave him a kiss. "You know you are a sweating mess and you tatse like salt but dammit do I love you." Alex said to jack laughing. Jack laughed and wiped a tear. "Just play the song schneebly." Jack said to alex through his mic. "Ayyy I love that movie. Jack black makes my nipples hard." Alex says laughing and turning back giving rian a thumbs up. " Alright well enough with the lovey dovey shit this next song is for my one and only Jack. Sing it if you know it. It's called runaways."

Yay the end
Sorry if it's kinda lame but i just wanted to make like a short ending to kinda show that they carried on being lovers and playing shows even after all that.
Feel free to leave suggestions for any other fics or if you want me to write you a small one shot i will be open to that

He has no idea ︴jalex. FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now