Chapter 9 This is the green light. Take what you need.

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Jack's POV

Goosbumps ran through my body. Me and cassadee both looked at eachother in horror. We both quickly opened the car door and got out as fast as we could. Cassadee ran to my side and grabbed on to my arm. "Jack holy shit. What the fuck." she said. "Is she in the truck?" she said horror in her voice. "I don't know." i said walking towards it. She followed me holding my arm. "Be careful." she said. I took a deep breathe and open the back door. Stepping back just as fast. I then slowly walked back and heard a noise. I turned to cass and she let go of my arm. "Wait. that sounded like a camera recorder. " she said. We looked at the back of the truck and on the ceiling was a camera hanging off. "Oh my god she was in my car. How did we not see that. When did she even do that?" She said. Then i got a text


Destroy the camera.Now.

Cassadee leanes over the car seat and was about to grab it when i stopped her. "Wait! they want us to destroy the evidence. Leave it." i said. "But i don't want a phsyco's camera in my car." she said. I then got another text.

Unknown: Remember what i said. Do as i say and nobody will get hurt.

We both looked at eachother with no clue with what to do. "Ok jack this is going too far. We need to tell someone." Cassadee said. "But we can't." i said. "Well why not jack? This person is blackmailing you jack. This is going to far." she said looking at me serious. I sighed covering my face turning around taking deep breathes. I then turned around and looked at her. "Well who are we telling?" i said. "Im telling Rian. We are driving to the venue. Come on it's two o' clock. Lets go now that we have time." she said. We both got in the car and drove back to the venue. I got a text message Again.


Were do you think your going? Do as i say and destroy the camera! now!"

I showed cass and she turned back to the road. I ignored it and she took a deep breathe stepping on the gas a bit more. We got to the venue and cassadee stopped putting the car in park. She pulled out her phone and called rian and told him to go outside. We both got out the car and leaned on the car door. Rian then walked out and looked around. He spotted us and yelled. "JACK!" he ran towards me and hugged me so tight i thought i ran out of air. He pulled back and looked at me. "Dude we have all been worried sick. I missed you. We all did. Don't ever do that again!" he said. I nodded and smiled. "I missed you too rian."

He then hugged cassadee. "Rian we need to call the cops." Cass said. He looked at us both confused. "What's wrong?" he then said worried. "Someone is blackmailing me." i said

ahh sorry this is short i will update later don't worry. Also big thanks to my frand anahi who helped me with this chapter. i got a bit stuck but im good now c: don't forget to like and comment. ♡♡ = ̄ω ̄=

He has no idea ︴jalex. FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now