Unusual - #20

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It had been a week into the half term and I'd been spending a lot of time with Samantha; no we're not like that, we've just been studying really, preparing for exams and whatnot. Me and Lisa hadn't spoken since we'd agreed for me to pick her up, I knew she was busy with her family and I respected that.

Sam: "Do you want to take a break, you look like you could use it" She giggled and I nodded watching her. She'd come all dressed up and I knew it was to impress me but to be honest I wasn't paying no mind; I was too busy thinking about Lisa and what I wanted to do to her. I was still pissed that she'd told Carol about me an her, one word to anyone and we'd be in a lot of trouble; mostly her. How can she be so clumsy?! Thats her career thrown away if we get caught. "Jordell..." I shook my head snapping back to reality and gave her a weak smile. "Are you okay?" I nodded and stood up.

Me: "Yeah uhm, I think I'm tired from revising, lets call it a day"

Sam: "Oh, okay sure" She started putting her books into her bag as I sat there thinking about Lisa some more. "Should I make us a bite to eat? I am pretty hungry" She smiled awkwardly at me trying to find a reason to stay longer.

Me: "Uh, I''ll make us something lets go downstairs you can watch some TV." Nodding we headed downstairs and she sat on my couch switching on the TV whilst I headed to the kitchen to rustle up something to eat...


Jordell: "Do you mind a sandwich? Mum hasn't been shopping yet" He questioned poking his head through the door.

Me: "No thats fine" He smiled his sexy smile then went back to the kitchen. He's been really distant for the past few days like he's hardly talking to me.

Jordell: "We only had ham if you don't mind" I smiled and took the sandwich from him.

Me: "It's fine thanks" He sat beside me and glanced at the TV as we began to eat. "Jordell" I broke the silence and he sipped his drink nodding.

Jordell: "Mhm"

Me: "Have I done something?" He swallowed his bite and I took a bite out of my own.

Jordell: "What do you mean?"

Me: "Well, you haven't been speaking to me much which is pretty weird considering we're supposed to revise together."

Jordell: "I do"

Me: "You're not even looking at me when I'm talking to you right now" I laughed awkwardly and he turned to look at me. "Did I do anything to get you mad?"

Jordell: "I'm not mad at you Samantha" He looked away back at the TV and I chewed before swallowing.

Me: "Then what is it?"

Jordell: "Nothing."

Me: "It's clearly something. Look whatever it is just say; we're supposed to be friends aren't we?" He put his sandwich down and swallowed.

Jordell: "Look Sam, I'm happy you want to chill and revise; like you said we're friends, I just don't want you to think this will turn into something, you know.." I gulped feeling disappointed deep inside and forced a smile.

Me: "Course, I mean yeah we're just friends; what's in the past stays there" He gave me a reassuring smile and nodded.

Jordell: "It's good we're on the same page"

Me: "Yeah" I nodded and he turned back facing the TV. I screwed my face huffing silently myself. I know why he's acting like this, its clearly that other female that he was in the car with. I was going to find out who she was, then we'll see who is 'just friends'!

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