Unusual - #14!

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Lisa:"I can't believe the last week is already up" she said with a frown.

Me:"I know but atleast you weren't alone" she smiled and nodded as we kissed. I'd been with her for the past two weeks and we hadn't left the house. Well only for some shopping-seperately that is. Can't be suspicious now can we. Her ex hadn't come by since that first night, so its been good since then.

Lisa:"what happens when we go back?"

Me:"what do you mean?"

Lisa:"well, you'll be back home and I'll just.. Be here.. Alone" she sighed and looked away.

Me:"well I can be coming after school if you want ."

Lisa:"its not the same, I'll be sleeping alone, I guess I've just gotten used to having you around"

Me:"I'm sure you'll cope. I'm only one phone call away" I smiled at her reassuringly and she smiled lightly.

Lisa:"I guess"


Carol:"had a nice half term?" I nodded and smiled thinking about the time spent with Jordell.

Me:"how's Travis?"

Carol:"oh he's fine, busy in school teaching as well as the bedroom"

Me:"ohh Carol ew" she shrugged innocently and I laughed at her.


Me:" are you coming over tonight?"

Jordell:" um no, I got things to do. I haven't been home in two weeks Lisa"

Me:"I know, just miss you is all"

Jordell:"I was with you this morning"

Me:"I know I know" I looked away feeling uneasy and he grabbed his bag.

Jordell:" see you later" with that he left the classroom and I stood there looking like an idiot. Did I do something to him?


I got home and had a quick shower before chilling on my bed playing my PlayStation. Its been a while. Yeah I know I lied to her and said I had 'things to do', but I had to lie. I have feelings for her but two weeks with her is too much. At first it was all good, but she became too clingy. I'm only young, I don't need that shit. I played some games before heading downstairs to get something to eat. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached for it Samantha. I hadn't spoken to her in ages, a year to be exact- she was an ex a few years ago, we decided to break up because she moved outside of the area, it was a mutual thing..

Me:"stranger" she laughed and I smiled.

Samantha:"hey Jordell"

Me:"all I get is a 'hey Jordell' after a year?" I said jokingly.

Samantha:"oh hush you! I had lost this sim card somewhere and got a new number. Its only now I'm finding it"

Me:"after a year? Where was it?"

Samantha:"in my room somewhere in my belongings"

Me:"shows you need to clean up your room" I grabbed my sandwich and sat in the living room watching tv as we spoke.

Samantha:"yeah whatever, how have you been?"

Me:"I've been good. How about you? You won't even come down and see me?"

Samantha:"I'm alright and I've been busy this past year but I'm thinking about coming this weekend"

Me:"Oh is it?"

Samantha:"yeah, I want to see some of my girls"

Me:" and me?" She giggled before answering.

Samantha:" maybe"

Me:" nope, no maybe's, you should come and pay me a visit"

Samantha:" is it a must?" she laughed and I kissed my teeth jokingly.

Me:"it is now"

Samantha:"alright if you say so. I'll give you a call when I'm there and let you know"

Me:"alright you do that"

Samantha:" I'll speak to you then, nice talking to you"

Me:"same here, bye" I smiled as I thought about seeing her. Its been too long.


Lisa:" you busy this weekend?" She asked as she stopped me in my tracks.

Me:"uhh, yeah why what's going on?" She shuffled with nerves and brushed her hair behind her ears.

Lisa:"I was wondering if you wanted to come by for dinner?" I thought about meeting Samantha up and contemplated on the idea..

Me:" there's a friend coming down to see me-"

Lisa:"its alright, I understand" she looked away and I felt bad..

Me:"I'll stop by, but at around ten" she smiled and nodded.

Lisa:"that's fine" I smiled back then headed out of class..


I sat on my dining table waiting and waiting. I'd made dinner and set out some candles. It had now hit 11pm and he still was not here. I sighed and blew out the candles before heading upstairs to bed. I decided to text him before I fell asleep..


Samantha:" you haven't changed you know that?" We stopped at her aunty's door..

Me:" neither have you" she laughed and hugged me. "Are you going back tomorrow?"

Samantha:"yeah, after church" she sighed and I nodded. "You should come see me next time"

Me:"mm maybe"

Samantha:"ah ah, no maybe's"

Me:"alright, I will"

Samantha:"good!" I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I took it out to see a text message from Lisa: "I waited for you "


Samantha:"what's wrong?"

Me:"I forgot I had to go meet someone, listen it was nice seeing you again, give me a call when you get back tomorrow"

Samantha:"alright" we hugged one last time before I walked off to the bus stop. I decided to call Lisa on my way, it rang and rang but she never picked up. I shrugged it off then headed home to bed....

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