Unusual - #24

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"Lisa Valentino?" I looked up to see the nurse smiling at me. I gave a brief nod before getting up and following her into the room. "How are you today?" She asked as we both sat down. "Nervous" I hated any form of hospitals whether it was just a check up or not. "Well there's no reason to be. It's just a blood test we're doing today if I'm correct?" I nodded and she smiled before asking me a few questions. "Do you currently have a partner?" I gulped and fiddled with my fingers. "Yes. No, wait.." I paused and thought about Jordell before answering. "No. I don't, somewhat." She finished filling in the form before taking samples of my blood. "Your test results should be in in about one to two weeks" I thanked her before leaving and booking another appointment to collect my results. I knew I hadn't caught anything from Dave but I just wanted to be sure I was in the clear. I hadn't seen or spoken to Jordell in weeks; which comes to no surprise seeing as I'm off from work for the rest of the term. I'd thought about calling him but with Dave getting worse, I didn't want anymore stress; if he wanted to speak to me he would call me.

I decided to go and do some food shopping before heading back to Dave's. "Hey where have you been?" He asked softly. "Just food shopping, thought I'd make you some soup for lunch since you can't keep solid food down much." I didn't want to tell him I went for a blood test, it wasn't necessary really. "Thank you." I smiled and placed my bag down. "It's alright"
"No. Lisa thank you. For everything. I know I hurt you in the past and I don't deserve for you to be here" I walked over to him and held his hand. "No matter what Dave I can't leave you at a time like this. I'm here"
He smiled softly at me. "Till the end ey?" He chuckled lightly and I felt my eyes water. "Don't talk like that, you'll be alright"
The thought of something bad happening didn't sit well with me; regardless of what we've been through. "Lets be real Lisa, I don't think I'm going to get any better. I'm getting worse" I let go of his hand and grabbed the shopping. "I'm going to go make that soup for you" I didn't want to hear any negative and death talk so I headed to the kitchen quickly.


"Last exam is on Friday" Samantha's friend Deborah clapped excitedly. I laughed slightly. Her character was something else, and so was her ass. I know I shouldn't look, she's Samantha's friend but I couldn't help it. I'd never paid attention to her much but lately us three have been revising together and I've realised how sexy she is. I hadn't spoken to Lisa yet, I decided to contact her after my exams were over - I needed to stay focussed. "I need to get back now, I have my cousins christening tomorrow morning" It was not even 11pm yet and we hd been revising for hours. "Are you coming Debs?" She grabbed her bag and yawned "I'm going see if my brother will pick me up" She nodded and I saw Samantha out of my house saying our goodbye's. "Stupid prick." I walked back into the living room to see Deborah screwing at her phone. "What's wrong?" I gathered my books and notes. "My brother's at some party in Birmingham so he can't pick me up. "I can drop you if you like?" I suggested. "Are you sure?" She bit her lip and I licked my lips nodding. She was too hot. Long hair, long legs and a sexy smile. She gathered her things and I grabbed my keys before we set out.

"Do you to come in for a bit?" She asked as I parked the car. "Erm" I hesitated not knowing what she was implying. "You don't have to. Just a thought.. I mean. We haven't eaten I can put a pizza in the oven or something.. if you want." She blushed looking away and I smirked. "Yeah that's alright" We got out of the car and she let us into her house. "Where are your parents?" "In Spain, I'm joining them in a few days, they left before me" I nodded and followed her into the kitchen. "Here it is." She pulled out the pizza from the freezer before putting it in the oven. "Want to go upstairs?" She smiled awkwardly and I nodded before she led the way. "You can sit down if you want" I sat at the edge of the bed and she put the TV on. "There's never anything good to watch at this time. Ah Family Guy" She put on BBC3 and started putting her books away. "What do you want to study at uni?" She asked before sitting beside me. "Business probably. You?" "I'm not sure yet" She flicked her hair back and I caught a whiff of her scent. So good. "Maybe Accountancy. Oh do you want a drink?" I shook my head no and watched her more as she got comfortable. "You can lay back and relax you know." She giggled watching me. "Hope I'm not being awkward or anything. You can leave if you want" She bit her lip again. Nervous trait I guess. "Nah I'm fine right here with you" She blushed looking away back at the TV. I sat back further.. closer to her. "You smell good" I stated boldly and she looked up at me. "Th-Thanks" She blushed once more. "Deborah.." I moved closer with our lips just a breath apart. "Yes?" She whispered and I felt her breath tickle my lips. "I want to kiss you" I saw her gulp "So why don't you?" She asked and I brushed my lips against hers. "Do you want me to?" Her eyes met mine before looking back at my lips. "Yes" I brushed my lips against hers again before going in on the kiss fully. She tasted so good, sweet and addictive. I felt her place her palm on my chest before pulling away. "We shouldn't be doing this. Sam's my friend. I-I can't." She had a point but who cares? "Me and Samantha aren't together anymore" I reminded her. "I know but.. it's girl code" She sighed and shifted away slightly. "She doesn't have to know. I moved closer to her grabbing her thigh. Come on Deborah." I brought my face closer to hers and licked her bottom juicy lip. "Jordell we can't" "She won't know." I pushed on whilst rubbing her thighs getting closer to her core.. "I can't." She  breathed heavily before I traced my fingers on her core through her jeans. "We don't have to have sex I promise. Let me just taste you" I whispered against her neck before she tilted her head back giving me access to lick and bite. "I-Uhh" Unzipping her jeans I slid my fingers in and felt the wetness through her panties. "You're already so wet, just let me" I kissed her neck before she answered softly. "Oo-Okay" Laying her down slowly, I grabbed her breast through her top with one hand and pushed her panties to the side with the other before dipping my middle finger inside. Pulling her top up, I exposed her breast from her bra and flicked her nipple with my tongue whilst my fingers working her wetness. "Ahhh" She moaned raising her hips slightly. "You're so wet, damm" I wanted to fill her with my d*ck but I promised no sex. "Eat me" She moaned. I tugged her jeans and panties off before spreading her chocolate long legs. "Pretty p*ssy." I ran two fingers along her slit coating them with her juices. "Mmm" She moaned anticipating my next move. "What do you want Deborah?" She watched me, brows arched. "Taste me" I grabbed a pillow and placed it under her back raising her hips slightly. Laying down I placed my lips at her core and blew some air. "Tell me again" I watched as her juices started to drip. "Eat me.. please" She bit her lip looking into my eyes. "What?" I licked my lips teasing. "Eat my p*ssy Jordell.. please" Keeping the eye contact I smothered her p*ssy with my lips as I started to eat her out.


I'd given up on trying to find out who Lisa was. It was pointless really. Having spent a lot of time with Jordell and my friend Debs lately, I knew he wasn't messing with that Valentino woman anymore. I still wanted to be with him. I'm working on it.. slowly. Maybe I should call Lisa just incase she tries to crawl back into his life. Call it a warning.. I got my phone out and set my number on private before ringing the number. She picked up in no time and I set myself up for this threat. "Is this Lisa?" "Who is this?" "Listen. Stay away from my boyfriend Jordell" I said with lies. "Boyfriend?"
"You heard. Delete his number and don't even try calling or texting him. He's moved on and doesn't want anything to do with you." The line was silent before she spoke "Why hasn't he told me this for himself then?"
"He thought it would be better if it came from me, what with me being his girlfriend and whatnot. Just leave him be okay!"
"What makes you think I had anything to do with him?!"
"Don't bullshit me. He told me everything. Just leave him alone!" I sighed feeling frustrated. "Fine. Consider it done" With that I hung up the phone feeling satisfied with myself. Now to make Jordell mine again..


Jordell.. girlfriend? So this is what he's been doing all these weeks. Here's me thinking he'd still wants me. I sat down in disbelief before letting a tear fall. See this is what you get for fooling around with a student Lisa. You knew it wouldn't all be rainbows and sunny days. At least have the decency to tell me yourself Jordell! I scrolled to his number on my phone and deleted it in anger. Thank God I didn't have it memorized. I wiped my tears in frustration before turning heading to the bathroom to shower.


"Are you alright?" Dave questioned as we watched the doctor leave the room. Dave had gotten a lot worse over the past few days and he was admitted into hospital. "I'm fine" I smiled as I squeezed his hand gently in mine. "You don't have to put a brave face on for me Lisa I know you. I'm not leaving this hospital bed anytime soon, you need to get back to work for the last few weeks."
"I can't just leave you Dave"
"Lisa you have your own life. Mine is clearly going to end soon, don't waste yours being in here" I sighed and he smiled slightly. "Dave, I'm not leaving you okay. That's final. I told you I'm going to be here for you"
"I never did deserve you" I smiled warmly at him and he started discussing funeral plans.


"What are you doing today?" Sam questioned as we walked out of the library gates with a group of friends. "I don't even know, probably just going to chill at home really."
"Come out tonight. A bunch of us are going to celebrate the end of exams"
"Ah don't know if I'm up for it" I spoke truthfully. "Oh come on, we deserve it after months of exams. Debs tell him he should come" I looked behind to see Debs look up from her phone. "Huh?" She questioned before catching my eye and looking away awkwardly. "He should come out tonight with us" Sam insisted. "If he wants" Debs mumbled and Sam ignored her. "Just come! I'll come to your house and force you out you know" I sighed giving in. "Fine. Text me what time and where" She clapped and grinned. "I shall I shall. See you guys later" She walked off and the rest of the group dispersed gradually. "Are you avoiding me?" I questioned Deborah as I walked to the car park. "No why"
"You can't look at me for even five seconds. Have I done something?" She sighed looking at me and I got closer to my car. "What happened the other day.. shouldn't have happened."
"I'm not going to tell her" I assured. "I know but.. I just feel guilty." She looked away and I felt bad also. Not just because of Samantha being my ex and her friend, but because I felt like I'd cheated on Lisa. Even though I didn't know where me and her stood at the moment. I was going to call her as soon as I'd gotten home. "If you keep acting awkward around me you'll look suspicious. Lets just act normal and forget it happened." She nodded and I smiled. "Do you want a lift home?"  I asked. "We both know what happened the last time you gave me a lift home" She giggled and I smirked. "See you later Jordell" With that she walked off. That girls is something else.

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