Unusual - #26

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"How are you feeling?" Carol questioned as I let her into the house. "Getting there" I'd told her about me collapsing but decided to skip the part of me miscarrying. She'd only ask questions and I didn't need that right now. "I brought you some food, I know you're in no mood to cook" she smiled at me and I eyed up the envelope on the table. "Lisa..-" I sighed and grabbed the envelope. "My results, I've been too scared to look." She came and sat next to me before putting an arm around my shoulders. "Do you want me to do it?" I nodded and she took the envelope out of my hands before opening it. She fell quiet as she skimmed along the words on the page and I saw her smile. "It's all clear, you tested negative for HIV" Suddenly I felt lighter as relief washed over me. "I told you there was nothing to worry about" I smiled slightly before remembering my miscarriage. Jordell had been supportive since the whole thing happened but I still felt some sort of emptiness. I could have had my first ever child.. with one of my students. Would I have even kept it? A baby would have made things too complicated between he and I , not even that but people would have found out sooner or later.


"How are you" Dave spoke softly. I had come to visit him since I hadn't gone in a few weeks. "Better. Have you eaten?" He nodded "The nurse gave me breakfast. Lisa you should be home resting, not here with me." I sighed and held his hand tighter. "I got my blood test results back. I tested negative" he smiled and I smiled back. "I knew there was nothing for you to worry about" He coughed and I sighed. I cant believe that the man I once loved was dying right in front of my eyes. "The doctors say that I'm getting worse, they think I'll be here a week longer, tops" my eyes began to water. "You'll get through this" I sniffed and he rubbed my arm. "Lisa, I wont last. Don't cry for me. I'll always love you, you know that right?" I nodded and wiped away my tears. "Just make sure you get back up and continue living your life. Be happy. Meet someone that'll make you happy. Don't let a good guy go" I nodded and he smiled at me. "Now go home and rest. I'll see you tomorrow." I didn't object. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow" He smiled and nodded before I left heading home.


"Miss Valentino?" I mumbled sleepily into the phone. It was 5am and I had no idea who would choose to call me so early. "Speaking" I said whilst yawning into the phone. "It's Jade, a nurse from the hospital, I think you should come down here" my eyes shot open immediately as worry took over me. "Whats happened?" I asked whilst getting up and searching for clothes frantically. "It's Dave. He's passed" She said quietly I felt as though I didn't hear her. I hung up and wasted no time in getting over there. When I arrived I was greeted by a doctor who stated that Dave passed in his sleep. Immediately tears began to flow. He was gone, Dave was actually gone. After crying and arranging things with the doctor and informing his family, I headed back home. It was only 7am but I felt tired and drained. The moment I got in I went straight to bed and cried myself to sleep.

"Lisa.." I felt someone shake me slightly before opening my eyes. "Wake up I made you breakfast" I forgot I had given Jordell a spare key. He'd insisted since my collapse. "I cant eat" I said pushing away the plate. "Whats happened?" He could tell I'd been crying, my eyes felt puffy and sore. Tears began to fall again as I remembered. "Dave died last night" I sniffed and he placed the food aside before hugging me. "I'm sorry" he rubbed my back as I cried into his chest. 'Continue living your life. Be happy' Dave's voice rang in my ears and I sniffed before composing myself. He was right. I ate my breakfast and dedicated my day to helping Dave's family plan the funeral, it's the least I could do.


"How was the funeral?" Jordell asked as he sat on my bed. I hadn't seen him in a few weeks, but it was good that he gave me some space to grieve. "It was good, it was last Friday. His whole family came, it was great to see that so many people loved him" He nodded and grabbed my hand. "How about you? How have you been?" He watched me intently. "I'm much better, I got a new job" He smiled "Oh yeah? Where?" I bit my lip before answering "At a nursery, I'll be living near my parents" His face furrowed and I gulped. "Why are you moving so far?" He questioned and I shrugged. "I needed a fresh start. Somewhere different." His jaw clenched. "What about us?" I sighed and fiddled with my top. "Jordell there cant be an us. We cant do this. It's too complicated. The age..the situation. Your 'female friend' we just cant." I'd thought about this all, we just couldn't make it work. It wouldn't happen. "Lisa, I love you" I gulped before looking at him. "I love you too but.. We cant. We'll learn to love other people. We will, it just takes some time. We were built on lust, that was our downfall." He knew I was right. There was just no way we could work out. "You have your life ahead of you. University, a career, who knows who you'll meet and fall in love with?" He rubbed his face before getting up and walking down the stairs. I heard the door shut and I leaned my head against the wall. This wasn't what I expected when I planned to tell him I was leaving. I sighed and decided to not let it affect me. He'll realise that this is what was best for the both of us.


I was in bed watching tv when I heard the door shut. I jumped slightly but then remembered Jordell still had my spare key. Not long after, a knock was at my door. "Come in" he walked in and placed the key beside my bed. "There's your key back. You're right. We cant work out. Shame after everything we cant. I'll always love you Lisa" He grabbed my face with his hands and I bit my lip. "I'll always love you too" and I meant that. He kissed me and I kissed him back. "There's just one thing.." I watched his face as I saw a smirk appear. "I'm going to f*ck you. Tonight." I gulped. "Jordell we cant." He kissed me and bit my lip causing me to moan. "You know you want me to. You do things to me Lisa" he grabbed his crotch and I saw the lining of his member through his jeans. Urgh he was making me hot. "Are you going to let me? Let me taste your sweet wetness before I let myself go inside of you" He whispers in my ear and I felt myself shiver. "Let me make you cum one last time. Then you'll never. Ever, forget me" I moaned before undressing for him. This no-longer felt Unusual.

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