Unusual - #1

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6am and my alarm went off. I got up and stretched. Today is my first day at school. I'm 25 but don't get me wrong, I'm starting as a new teacher in this North London school that I had recently checked out. One interview and bam! I had the job. I guess its because I've had previous experience and on top of that, my degree. I had a shower and got dressed into something quite formal. I look way younger than my actual age, so I needed to dress in a way to show the students that I'm not a sixth former but an actual teacher. After I got all my things for the day, I headed downstairs to grab something to eat.

Dave- want a cuppa? 

"No thanks babe, I want to get there early to sort out a couple of things before meeting my form."

Dave- I don't understand why they gave you a form, you are an english teacher not a tutor!

"It's no bother, I only have them for 10 minues each morning besides fridays when they have a tutorial."

Dave- hmm well have a nice day, I'll call you to see how you get on.

I smiled and he kissed me as I left the house heading to my car. I drove for about 20minutes before reaching my destination. I was nervous yet excited at the same time. A new job, a new start. What could go wrong? I walked through the school gates and headed to the staff room where a handful of teachers were sat.

Carol- Lisa! Hey.
Anther teacher waved as she walked over to me with a smile. We had met on the day of our interview, so she was new here also.

"Hey, you're early!" I said as I admired her plaited skirt.

Carol- Early bird catches the worm.. and I can see a nice worm over there.
She nudged me and I looked over at the tall chocolate man that she was referring to.

"Urgh, Carol you can't call him a worm and expect it to sound sexy."

Carol- Hunny I can call him anything and he'd still be sexy.
She licked her lips as his gaze shifted to us. She waved at him and he nodded in a 'hello' type of way. He looked away and she nudged me again.

"Get a hold of yourself woman!"

Carol- Oh hush! So are u excited for today?

"Slightly, I'm more nervous than anything."

Carol- Don't worry, it'll be fine. I'm sure you'll settle in easily. We're in this together.

I was seated at my desk with the classroom door open; the bell had rang and I was waiting for all the students to enter the room. One by one they filled the desks whilst looking at me like some sort of alien. Once they were all seated, I got up to start the introduction process. They were a noisy bunch which I didn't mind just as long as the respect between them and I was kept  at an equal level. I shut the door loudly to catch their attention and they all fell silent.

"So year thirteen, is this how you're going to greet your new tutor?"

Student- I thought you're a sixth former or something.

"No I'm you're new tutor, Miss Valentino"

Student- You're kind of sexy for a teacher.
I raised my brow at his blunt comment. That was inappropriate and he knew it.

"I beg your pardon?"

Student- I sai--

"Yes I know what you said, I just can't believe such a thing would be said to a teacher. "

Student- It's a compliment. Damn!
He kissed his teeth at me in frustration. 

"Well it was innapropriate, and watch your language!"
He kissed his teeth yet again and I sat on the edge of my desk.
"My name is Miss Valentino and I will be your tutor for this year. I am also an english teacher so to those who take english, you may see me around that department. I am not strict but I am not a push over either. I have four rules: one, u get here on time - late comers will be punished. Two, you stay silent while I take the register and give information. Three, you keep the respect at a 50/50 level; so no innapropriate language. Finnaly, no speaking when I'm speaking, I'll respect that as you speak also. I may produce more rules as time goes on. So I don't want no complaints is that clear?"
I wanted to set out the rules early on, regardless of whether they would stick to them or not.
"Now let me take the register and you can get back to whatever conversations you were having. I completed the register and they all went back to making their noise. I got out my laptop and looked at my timetable. I had a lesson straight after, then I was free up until just after lunch. The bell went and they all scattered along to their lessons except one. That one mouthy student who I learned to be named Jordell.

Jordell- Miss? Sorry about earlier.

"Apology not accepted."
He scowled at me and I smiled.

Jordell- Whatever man.
With that, he walked out of the class room slamming the door shut as I laughed to myself.

Being in this school wasn't going to be so bad after all.

So I've finally decided to edit this book. I'll be editing chapter by chapter and posting that way. Its just some minor improvements, I'm still undecided on if I'll change the context completely, but I'll see. Happy reading! :)

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