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"Hey, Huckleberry?"

"Maya? What're you doing here?"

"Picking up some stuff, why? I live around here, I should be able to go wherever I want to, Friar."

"Oh, it's just that, wait, you live around here?"

"I live right across the street," they said simultaneously.

Maya looked at Lucas confused, before shaking her head.

"You live across the street, in the same building where I live?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well, okay. I'm gonna go check these out now..." Maya trailed off as she scurried to the check-out counter, dazed by what just happened.

After paying, she rushed out to Starbucks beside the minimart. As she opened the door, a breeze of the cold winter air greeted her freckled face. She stuffed her hands in her pockets, shielding her face with her hair. In her head, the fact that he lived so close to her kept replaying over and over again in her head.

"Okay, can I get a grande white chocolate mocha and a bagel to go, please? Thanks," Maya handed the cashier the money and before she knew it, her steaming hot coffee was handed to her along with her warm bagel.

Satisfied, she went back over to her apartment where she just moved. Huckleberry lives here? Wow, I am really oblivious. Arriving at the building, she hopped into the elevator and headed to the highest floor. Just as she reached her floor, she almost bumped into someone, that could've sent her coffee flying. Onto her, the floor, and the dude she bumped into.

"You?" they said in unison.

"Same floor?" she raised an eyebrow.

He nodded, before excusing himself and left.

She steadied herself, before unlocking her new unfurnished apartment, and was greeted by her best friend.

"Hey, Riles, ready to set up the fairy lights?"

"Actually, Maya, I have to go. Farkle's making me babysit his baby brother while he goes get some 'manly' stuff," she put air quotes at manly, clearly implying that her boyfriend was not manly at all.

"Well, see ya, Riles. Maybe in the mean time I'll find a boyfriend," Maya joked as she untangled the lights from the cardboard box by her feet.

"Yeah, sure. Bye Maya! Oh, hey, Lucas!" Riley exclaimed as she skipped out of the apartment, not realising Lucas was Lucas. If that made any sense at all.

"Knock knock," Lucas said as he knocked on Maya's wide open door.

"Oh, hey, neighbour," she said, not taking her eyes off the fairy lights. However, she was having trouble reaching the top of the wall.

Putting down the paper bag that he was holding, he paced over to Maya, who was trying as hard as she could to reach the top. In the end, she grabbed a chair which eventually helped her reach the top. Unfortunately, she wasn't as careful as she thought she could be and was sent stumbling down.

Lucky enough, Prince Lucas, Mr Moral Compass, was right behind her the whole time, and caught her in his arms. He carried her to the couch bridal-style.

"Since when were you a fairy?" he joked, laying her down on the burgundy couch, and sat next to her.

"I'm not just a fairy, I'm a fairy princess," she scoffed, playing along with his little game.

"Well, Maya, you are right about one thing."

"Really? And what is that?"

"You are a princess; my princess."


the feelssssss



now what


--ellllaaaa 💜

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