The Nicest Kids In Town

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May 15, 1963

"Haha, look at lil' Maya Hart dressed up in her doll's yellow princess dress. Oh wait, it's hers!" 16 year-old Maya Hart's face turned red as she walked quickly past the evil witches they call the "nicest kids in town". She hurried up to her best friend, Riley Matthews.

"Aw, don't mind them. They just got a whole load of you, little peach pie, give 'em a while to take it all in," Riley assured Maya, as she placed her books into her locker. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Kayla Brooks over there isn't gonna spend the afternoon under the bleachers with Jason Reed. I heard they got caught by Mrs Brooks playing tonsil-hockey in Kayla's bedroom!"

"Explains why Kayla's wearing such long shorts under that skirt," Maya giggled, as she looked down at her own dress. It was long because of her height, but it wasn't that long at all. It's lace fringe fell right below her knee, and below that her white flats were easily spotted.

"Mhm, now look at that hunk right there," Riley pointed as she fawned over Lucas Friar, the school's very own Elvis Presley. He could sing well, dance well, and every girl was damn sure to be falling in love slowly over his good, good looks. "My oh my, how great it would feel to be Avery Charleston, right, Peaches? Maya?"

Maya has been chewing on her peppermint gum, barely giving a care in the world about Gabe. "What, Riley? Did Lucas Friar change the part in his hair? Does he have a new girlfriend?"

"Silly, no he didn't ! Well, at least I don't think he did.

"Oh come on, Riley. We have to get to class, besides you wanna make sure that you get his table squeaky clean for him to give you some sugar on that rosy cheek 'o' your's, ain't that right, lil' darling?"

"Sure is, sugar. Now let's get a move on before another girl wipes his table clean!"


"Ladies, let's take a moment to appreciate Maya for a second, for making us feel so darn tall. Haha! Look at her shoes, my gosh. Did your mommy not love you enough or are you just that broke? Sweetheart stop trying to dress like us, you'll never be one of us anyway," Avery laughed as she walked into class with her posse trotting behind her. Lucas followed behind her posse, getting stares from every girl in the room. Literally he was the guy every guy wanted to be, and the guy every girl wanted to be with.

"Don't mind her, lil' darling. Ave just likes to mess around a lot. I'm sure she didn't mean it," Lucas turned back and said with a smile. He clicked his tongue and hurried back to his girlfriend (whom Maya is sure is just for show).

"Sure, she doesn't. Hit me up when you've got a  real story to tell!" Maya hollered at the running blonde, who stopped dead in his tracks and turned back, running towards Maya this time.

"I do, and I'd very much love for you to hear it sometime. Let's say after school, at your place? I'll walk you, doll," Lucas asked, with hopful eyes. Girls began to whisper and stare at the scene, fawning over the blonde male and scoffing at the blonde female. "Are you game, darlin'?"

"I assume so. I'll meet you at my locker. Don't be late, sugar," Maya smiled, as she slammed her locker door and sashayed away towards her next class, an angry mob of girls following behind her.


"So, Maya, tell me about yourself," Lucas placed his hands in the pockets of his blue and yellow letterman jacket, as they walked through the streets of Brooklyn, New York.

"Well, you already know the basic things; my age, all that. I guess not a lot of people know this but I've actually got a crush on this darn cutie, but I'm afraid he won't return the feelings."

"I'm right up sure that he'll fall for ya. You're such a great individual, I never knew Maya Hart could be this darn cute, either," Lucas flashed his signature Friar grin.

"Gah, Lucas, close your mouth, that beautiful smile 'o' yours is burnin' my eyes," Maya jokd, using her books to cover her eyes as if to shield his smile away.

"That's too bad beause I was just about to do this," Lucas stated and put the books Maya was holding on a table they'd happened to pass by. He pushed a lock of stray her behind her ear, and caressed her soft cheek which began to turn into a bright pink. He leaned in slowly, and placed his lips onto Maya's shivering ones.

It was a delightful feeling — what could ever go wrong with such a delicate kiss, yeah?

p.s. probably my last chapter before girl meets world ends if not the second/third last

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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