He's Alive?

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A/N: Hey, guys! I am soooo sorry for not updating in forever. Okay, I haven't updated since the beginning of March...but that's still a long time, right? Oh, well. Anyways, here is my new update. So, if you don't mind, please comment and let me know what you think of the story so far. Thanks! Enjoy!

The door to the van slid open and Steve jumped out, helping Natasha down. Sam held my weak body in his arms, trying to keep me from moving too much. 

Maria had used some sort of tool that cut straight through the floor of the truck to get us out. By the time she got our cuffs off, I had lost consciousness from blood loss. They had loaded me into a van and driven us to an old, abandoned dam. Just before reaching our destination, I awoke from a terrible amount of pain in my chest.

After Natasha was out, Sam handed me to Steve and got out himself, closing the door  behind him. Sam kept his hand on Natasha's back, making sure she was okay. Steve held me in his arms as Maria led us to a barred door. She opened it and brought us inside the dark building.

Maria led us down a dimly lit hallway. A man ran toward us. "GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Maria said, telling the man about Natasha.

"Maybe two." Sam added.

"And the other woman?" the man asked.

"MVA. She's lost at least a pint and a half." 

"Maybe two." Sam added again.

"Let me take them."

"They'll want to see him first."

Who was Maria talking about? Who did we want to see? Sam, Natasha, Steve and I exchanged confused expressions.

Maria brought us to a plastic tarp curtain and moved it aside, showing us the room behind it. We were all shocked. Inside, Nick Fury laid in a hospital bed, several machines connected to him.

"About damn time." Fury said, looking at all of us.

The man from the hall walked into the room, two other people dressed in scrubs behind him pulling a metal table on wheels behind them. The two Scrubs--one, a woman with violet scrubs, the other, a man with dark blue--set the table up and put several medical supplies on it, putting the table next to Fury's bed. Once they were done, they made sure Fury was all right before helping him off the bed and moving him to the chair by the table a few feet away.

Steve brought me to the bed and laid me down carefully as I groaned. Natasha was seated in a chair, her only injury being a gunshot wound. The man from the hallway worked on her shoulder. Blue attached me to the machines Fury had used, then got the medical supplies ready. Steve helped me stay in a sitting position while Violet stripped away my jacket, shirt, and tank top, leaving just my sports bra. She took my boots off and set them down with my tank top, shirt, and jacket. 

The gash in my side touched the air for the first time since I received it, and it hurt. I groaned, pushing my hand against the wound and trying to protect it from the air. It was like a paper cut, except for the fact that it was much bigger.

"What caused these injuries?" Violet asked, examining each one.

"I was thrown through the windshield of a car." I replied. "My shoulder is from a gunshot from the other day." I added.

"What gunshot?" Violet asked.

"This one." I pointed to my shoulder at the exact spot the gun wound had been, but now it was gone. "I swear it was there before. Sam had to put a new bandage on it earlier."

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