Bright lights blinded me, and I blinked as my eyes adjusted. I tried to get up, but I couldn't.
A shiver went through my body, my skin touching the cold metal surface I was laying on. My head ached. I tried to reach up and rub the sore spot, but I couldn't. I tried to lift my head, but that didn't work either.
Looking up, I noticed that the ceiling was a mirror. I looked at myself through the mirror. There were thick, leather cuffs keeping me from moving. One around each wrist, elbow, ankle, the middle of each shin and thigh and another around my neck and stomach. The cuff around my stomach kept me from unfolding my wings. All I wore was a sports bra and workout shorts, both covered in my blood.
Ashley stood over me, latex gloves on her manicured hands. "Don't mind me."
A man held my head to the side while Ashley stabbed my neck with a needle, injecting me with the same stuff Pinky used to weaken me. I grunted from the pain. She pulled the needle out and I bit the man's hand, drawing blood.
"Ow! She bit me!" the man shouted, holding his hand.
"Well, we can't have that, now can we?" Ashley smiled evilly.
Ashley held something over my mouth, securing it around my head. It was a muzzle that kind of reminded me of my Winter Soldier mask. Yes, all of us were supposed to wear one.
Ashley carefully undid the strap around my stomach and forcefully unfolded my wings. She secured the strap again and tied my wings to opposite walls, both of them spread wide. Whenever anyone went underneath them, I tried to smash them with my wings, but it never worked.
For what seemed like forever, Ashley and her "scientists" dissected me, seeing how my abilities effected my body. I was awake every time, feeling every bit of pain. It took hours for my body to finally decide the pain was too much, and I lost consciousness.

New Avenger (A Steve Rogers love story)
FanfictionI am completely rewriting some of this, so read this one while you can! As soon as the other one is finished, this will be deleted!