A/N: So sorry for the long wait. I think I'm going to try to update this story once every week. Again, I'm going to try, so if I don't, I apologize. Anyways, please comment, I to receive comments. Enjoy!
"They're initiating launch." Maria informed through my earpiece.
I could hear the roar of the helicarriers as they readied for launch. The sound shook the building. Sam, Steve and I ran toward the helicarriers. Steve's shield was on his arm, his helmet on his head. Sam's goggles were over his eyes. My long dark ponytail whipped behind me as I ran. I wasn't sure how to feel about the situation. I was a bit nervous, yeah, but mostly determined. We were going to get the job done. That much I knew. I was also pretty surprised when I felt my hair and eyes turn to a bright orange.
That one's new.
"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asked. It was a fair question.
"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve replied.
"Makes sense." I commented.
Sam powered up his Falcon wings and they unfolded just before he took off.
Each of us decided to take a helicarrier. Steve went for the first, Sam the second, and I chose the third.
Steve jumped down onto his helicarrier while I turned and went for mine, which was already too high up for me to get to.
"Sam, I'm gonna need a lift." I spoke into my wrist communicator, still running.
"On my way." Sam replied.
A second later, I could hear Sam flying toward me. I extended my arms and jumped up toward him. He caught my hands just as he reached me and flew me toward my helicarrier. Sam flew over the runway, then let go of my hands, and I fell feet first toward the helicarrier. My feet hit the ground and I rolled to cushion the fall, immediately getting back up and running again.
"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam exclaimed, just moments after dropping me on my helicarrier.
"You okay?" Steve asked.
"I'm not dead yet."
Squadrons of men came at me, weapons drawn and ready to shoot. I jumped up onto a pile of crates, jumped off, doing a 360 backflip full twist, then landed like a cat on all fours, fire in my eyes, my forearms engulfed in flames. Unfortunately, the fire had burned away half of the sleeves of my catsuit. Fortunately, the rest of me was still covered, and as long as I kept the fire isolated to my arms, I'd be fine.
I ran at the men, shooting balls of fire at them and setting them ablaze. My fire made contact with their grenades, blowing them up. I brought my flames back to my hands and continued to run.
"Falcon, status?" Maria asked.
"Engaging." Sam replied.
I ran at the next squadron of men. As I got closer, they began to shoot. Time slowed and I easily dodged the bullets. I felt like I was in Matrix. As they continued to fire, I threw my flames at the bullets barely leaving the barrels of their guns, turning them to liquid.
"All right, Cap. I'm in." Sam said. Then he swore, and I had a feeling that he was in a bit of trouble.
I ran, taking out anyone that got in my way. My fire was incredible, torching anyone and everyone. When I got close enough for hand-to-hand combat, I did just that. A man widened his stance as he aimed at me. I ran at him, then dropped to the ground, sliding between his legs. I stood up, spun around, and quickly killed the man with my combat knife.

New Avenger (A Steve Rogers love story)
FanfictionI am completely rewriting some of this, so read this one while you can! As soon as the other one is finished, this will be deleted!