The Avengers Need A Vacation

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A/N: Alright, guys. I went through my notes on my phone and found a mission I can use for more filler until I get to Age of Ultron! Let me know what you think!

A few days after the paint war, nothing happened. We all sat around the tower, doing nothing. 

My mental state was not at its best. The fight with Ashley did screw with me, and Steve knew that. But he respected the fact that I didn't want to tell him yet, and let me wait until I wanted to talk about it.

I sighed and stood up, stretching and yawning. "Alright, guys. Enough laying around, let's do something!"

"Like what?" Tony asked, yawning.

I think for a moment, then smile. "Vacation!!"

"Where on earth would we go?" Nat asked.

"That's just it! We can go anywhere we want!" I jumped onto the arm of the couch and pointed at a map hanging on the far wall. "I'll throw a dart at that map and we'll go there!"

"Please don't. You'll ruin the wall." Tony said.

"Fine. Then...we're going to Paris!"

Nat gasped. "I've never been to Paris on vacation!"

"I've read that Paris is quite beautiful this time of year." Thor commented.

"I want a baguette." Ryan said.

"Then it's decided. We're going to Paris, right now! Let's pack!"

Everyone got up and went to their rooms. I went to my room and started packing clothes, toiletries, and whatever else I needed. I then wondered if I would make it through security without my wings being a problem.

Once I was packed, I grabbed my wallet and made sure I had my passport, lots of money, and anything else I needed, then put it in my satchel.

I went to the living room with my two bags of clothes. Everyone else was out there too, ready to go.

I picked up Abby and held her in my arms. We all went downstairs and outside where Miranda stood by a row of taxis. 

I hugged Miranda and smiled. "Are you sure you don't want to go with us?"

She nodded. "I'm fine. Besides, Abby and I are going to have a wonderful time together." She smiled and took Abby from my arms.

"Thank you so much, Miranda." I hugged her one more time.

"No problem. You guys enjoy yourselves!"

We all got in taxis, Nat and Clint, Tony and Bruce, Thor and Ryan, and me and Steve. All four taxis followed each other toward the airport, and the ride was uneventful. Steve and I came up with plans, deciding on places we had to visit while in Paris. 

After a while, we arrived at the airport and got out.

I was so excited. 

We got our bags and I held Steve's hand as we entered the airport. It was a nice airport, a lot of people walking around, hustling to their flights. Several shops lined the halls, filled with forgotten items, last minute items, food, and souvenirs. I wanted to look, but I wanted to go to Paris more.

We got through security fine, until it came to me. The guards patted me down and felt my wings, then became very suspicious. I sighed and they brought me to another room.

"It's just my wings, guys. I promise." I said, wanting to leave.

"We'll decide what it is." 

One of the guys made me show him. I took off my shirt and spread my wings, surprising them. 

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