A/N: The above lady is Jessica Bruns.
Here you go! I love y'all! Comment! Enjoy!
I was half asleep, my body against Steve's, Abby sleeping at our feet. But, she wasn't asleep. I listened carefully, straining my ears. Abby was growling.
I sat bolt upright, snatching Abby from the foot of the bed. Jess stood there in her old assassin garb with a silenced pistol in her hand, aimed at Steve. It was just like my nightmare.
"Stop." I warned. I secretly put my earpiece in as I pushed my bangs behind my ear. "JARVIS, wake everyone up." I whispered.
"The only way to get something done, is to do it yourself." Jess smiled evilly.
I slowed time as Jess pulled the trigger, pushing Steve off the bed with Abby on top of him. Jess's bullet hit my shoulder and went all the way through to the wall behind me. Time returned to normal and Jess tried to shoot Steve again. I jumped up and spread my wings quickly, smacking the gun out of her hands. Then I scrambled toward the gun and grabbed it.
"I see you finally got your wings. Took long enough." Jess sighed.
Steve got off the ground in a panic. "Alexx?"
"Take Abby and run." I ordered Steve.
"No. I'm not leaving you."
I grabbed Abby, the gun still aimed at Jess, and shoved her at Steve. Then, I pushed him out the door with all the telekinesis strength I could muster, and locked it.
My telekinesis hadn't disappeared, it just got weakened a ton from growing wings. Bruce didn't know how it happened, but my mind power was slowly coming back.
"This is just between you and me, Jess. Leave them out of it." I growled. I pushed against my new gun wound, pain shooting through my body.
"Fine, but once I kill you, they're next."
I spread my wings. "Who says you won't die first?" I ran at Jess and she braced for impact. With my supernatural speed and strength, I slammed into her like a train, knocking the wind out of her. We flew through the giant window and fell toward the ground, at least 500 feet below.
Fire danced in my eyes as I stared at Jess. "You wouldn't make a public display of my death, would you?" she asked, trying desperately to hide her fear. She knew I'd kill her in an instant.
Within 10 feet of the ground, I spread my wings and darted upward into the sky. "No. But that doesn't mean I won't kill you." I landed on the roof of the tower, throwing Jess a few feet away."Doesn't that frighten you? The fact that, you turned an innocent little girl into a monster that would do whatever you said, and now that monster -- the one that you created -- is going to be the thing that kills you?"
"Even if you kill me, that doesn't mean HYDRA won't be after you until you're dead. And the Winter Soldier will finish the job. It's one of his main missions now; to kill you. And he'll kill anyone that gets in his way." Jess replied, regaining oxygen.
"Yeah, if you can find him." I retorted.
She was right, though. If HYDRA was going to hunt me down the rest of my life, everyone I loved, would be in danger.
Jess ran at me and punched me in the face, hard, throwing me to the ground. I shot up and kicked her across the face, quickly drawing blood. She wiped her bloody lip with the back of her hand. Jess should know better than to fight a former Winter Soldier. We were trained hard, made to be unstoppable. So far, I was just that.
"You're stronger, that's for sure. But being strong doesn't mean you can protect everyone you hold dear." Jess panted.
"I can, and I will. I will destroy HYDRA." I said.
Jess laughed. "But what will it cost? The life of your friends? Or your life?"
I engulfed my right hand in blue flames and punched Jess in the face. She screamed in agony, the fire burning her skin.
"I will make sure your friends die! I will make sure that you watch them die slowly, and you won't be able to save them!" Jess screamed.
"Go to hell." I growled.
I punched Jess across the face, then jumped up and roundhouse kicked her, sending her to the ground. Crouching over her, I continued to punch Jess across the face.
"Alexx, stop!" Steve rushed to me and wrapped his arms under mine, keeping me from killing Jess.
Nat and Clint rushed up and grabbed Jess, pulling her to her feet.
"I've got a special place for her. Steve, take Alexx inside." Nat said.
"No! She has to die!" I fought against Steve's hold. Jess smirked at me through her bloody face. "I'll kill you, you bastard!"
Steve practically dragged me back inside, taking me to the gym. When he let go of me, I stormed toward the doors to go kill Jess. Steve stood in front of me and pushed me back.
"What are you doing?" I hissed.
"Keeping you from doing something stupid." Steve replied calmly.
I tried to leave the room again, but Steve was right there to push me back.
"Stop it!"
"Calm down, Alexx."
"I can't! That b*tch is Jessica Bruns, the woman who turned me into this!" I yelled, spreading my wings and arms out wide. "She turned me into this monster! She's the reason my family is dead!"
I stormed forward, but Steve grabbed me and held me still, keeping me from leaving.
"Let me go!" I demanded, fighting Steve.
I swept his feet from under him, but he kept his hold on me, taking me down with him. I tried to get away from him, then realized it was pointless. I was letting Jess get to me. All of my training, all the times I was told to control my emotions or I'd lose my life, and here I was, doing the opposite.
I stopped struggling and laid on the ground, tears rolling down my cheeks.
Steve held me close and let me sob into his chest. When I finally stopped, we went to Steve's room and laid on the bed. I quickly fell asleep, exhausted from the previous events.

New Avenger (A Steve Rogers love story)
FanfictionI am completely rewriting some of this, so read this one while you can! As soon as the other one is finished, this will be deleted!