Alexx Will Be Fine

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A/N: What do you guys think so far?? Please comment and I will try to reply! Enjoy!

Steve's POV

I clutched Alexx's lifeless body close as I sat on her bed. She had told me not to worry, and Bruce had agreed. Her fire had healed her completely. She only passed out because of the loss of blood and the amount of energy and power it took to be healed so quickly.

Bruce popped his head in. "How is she doing?" he asked.

"Still out." I sighed. She had been unconscious for two days.

"Don't worry. She's never used that much power and energy in under five minutes. Her body's not used to it."

"I know. It's does she expect me to not worry about her when she's like this?" I asked.

"I didn't expect you to not worry. I just meant that I wasn't dying."

I looked down at Alexx, who apparently was awake now. "How are you feeling? Are you okay? When did you wake up? Why did you -- "

"Hold on. I believe that I've...Help me up, please..." Alexx sat up and I pulled her closer. "I believe that I've been out for a while, right?"

"Two days." Bruce confirmed.

"Two days..." Alexx tapped her chin as she quietly repeated the words. She looked up at Bruce, eyebrows raised. "Really? Are you sure?" Bruce nodded. "I thought I'd be out longer."

"Maybe your body is getting used to it and now takes less time to recover?" Bruce suggested with a shrug.

"It's possible." Alexx swung her legs over the side of the bed and got ready to push herself to her feet.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's weird; all I can think about is donuts and twister." Alexx shrugged and stood up with Bruce's help. She looked down at herself. "Oh, thanks for changing my clothes." 

She was wearing a large t-shirt and short gym shorts, something I thought would be comfortable for her.

"I'm hungry. Are you guys hungry?" Alexx shrugged before skipping out of her room.

Bruce and I looked at each other, confused. All we could do then, was shrug.

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