Bringing Down the Last Helicarrier

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A/N: Here you go! Please let me know what you think! Enjoy

I tried to stand up, using the railing for support. Pain shot through my stomach, shoulder and thigh from the many gun wounds Bucky had inflicted and I cried out in pain. Why did I see a memory I shared with Bucky? What was it? Did Steve know? 

I took a step toward the blades, but my legs couldn't handle it. They buckled and I fell to the ground, landing on my stomach. Tears began to form in my eyes as the pain worsened. Was this how I was going to die? I had never felt this weak, it frightened me.

Bucky ran down the stairs and smiled evilly at me before standing at my end of the catwalk, guarding the blades. Steve walked down the stairs, and I could tell he hadn't seen me yet.

Steve looked at Bucky sadly. I knew he didn't want to attack Bucky. They had gone through so much together. Apparently, so had Bucky and I.

Steve's eyes scanned the area and that's when he saw me. I must have looked terrible. The look on Steve's face said that I was already dead. I pulled myself up and sat against the railing.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked, ignoring Bucky.

"I'm f-fine...don't worry about me...Let's get these helicarriers...out of the sky." I gasped.

Steve nodded, then looked back at Bucky. "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen." Bucky didn't say a word.

I tried to create my fire again, wanting to heal my wounds. I tried and tried, but nothing happened.

"Please don't make me do this." Steve's voice trembled a bit.

Bucky still said nothing. Steve grabbed his shield and threw it at Bucky, who blocked it with his metal arm. The shield bounced off and went back to Steve. Bucky shot at him, but Steve blocked the shots. He hit Bucky's arm, trying to get rid of the gun. Bucky shot again and again, one of the bullets grazing Steve's side. Bucky went in for a bigger blow, but Steve slammed his shield against Bucky's head, throwing him at the blade container, his gun falling out of his hand. Bucky got up and pulled out a knife. Both of them grunted as they fought, equally matched.

Steve knocked Bucky away and entered the code, the glass opening up. Bucky went after him again. Steve managed to shove Bucky away again and took out the original targeting blade. I telekinetically picked the new blade up and slid it into a pouch on Steve's belt. He reached for it, but Bucky was at him again.

Bucky grew angry and leapt at Steve, both of them going over the railing.

I tried to light the fire again and this time, I was successful. A ball of weak flames danced in my palm. I released the fire, letting it snake over my body to heal me. I healed quickly, everything still painful. I wan't able to heal myself all the way, but I was able to at least cauterize the gun wounds and keep myself from bleeding out. By the time I tried to do the same for my stomach, my flames went out, too weak to do anything else. 

I heard a gunshot, followed by Steve groaning. I stood up, using the railing as support, holding my stomach as I did so. Pain still filled my leg, stomach, and shoulder, but it was bearable. Another gunshot rang out. Steve rolled in between the railing back onto the catwalk. He limped toward the console, a bullet hole in his leg and another in his shoulder. 

"30 seconds, Cap." Maria said.

"Stand by." Steve groaned. He pulled the blade from his belt and got ready to put it in. "Charlie..." he groaned as another gunshot was fired.

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