A/N: Sorry this chapter is short, but hey, I'm adding another chapter right now. Comment! Enjoy!
I laid on the bed, tossing and turning. I couldn't possibly fall asleep.
I was stressed about mastering my new fire ability, about Bucky, about Nat and Steve. I was stressing about Steve being stressed. Man, I was stressing about stress!
I tried to clear my mind and rolled to my side.
I rolled to my back.
I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into the pillow. There was no way I was going to get comfortable. It's not that the bed isn't comfortable, it's just that I am so stressed. I also feared that my nightmares would return. Ever since Ashley told me about my being HYDRA once upon a time, my sleep had been plagued by nightmares.
I punched the pillow and gave up.
How can Steve sleep? He's got to be just as stressed as me, if not more.
I laid there, listening to the sounds around me; the ticking of a clock, the honking of cars passing by, water dripping from the leaky faucet in the bathroom.
I rolled off the bed, grabbed a pillow and two thick blankets, and went into the living room.
Steve was laying on the couch, sleeping peacefully. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.
Steve had given me his room to sleep in. He was a gentleman, and didn't want me to have to sleep on the couch.
I put and pillow and one blanket aside, then laid out the other blanket, turning it into a makeshift bed on the floor, right by the couch. I put the pillow at one end, grabbed the second blanket and laid down. Pulling the blanket up to my chin, I inhaled deeply, and smiled, suddenly feeling safe, being in the same room as Captain America. My eyelids became droopy, and to my surprise, I fell asleep.

New Avenger (A Steve Rogers love story)
FanfictionI am completely rewriting some of this, so read this one while you can! As soon as the other one is finished, this will be deleted!