Believe In Me:My 'Dearly' Mother

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Chapter 8: My 'Dearly' Mother

*Katherine's POV*

I woke up the next morning on my bed. I layed there wishing I could go back to yesterday. Replaying everything that happened in my mind. I was smiling as I thought. Something I haven't done in a while. My mother came in just then. "Katherine! Get up and get dressed. I have a lot of chores for you to do while I'm gone. And since you weren't here yesterday, it's double the chores."

The door shut and I groaned. I got up and dangled my legs from the edge of my bed. My smile disappeared and turned into a frown. I sat there in silence with my head tipped back, staring at the ceiling. Another day of being a slave. Doing what my mother says, being pushed around, feeling unwanted, feeling like a nobody.


The vibration of my phone caused me to look down at my nightstand where my phone was. I grabbed it and saw that I had a new text message. It was from my friend, Casey.

Hey r u ok?

I pondered at that. Confused, I replied back.

Yeah why?

I set my phone back on my nightstand to get some clothes so I can take a shower. As soon as I got up, my phone buzzed again. Well that was fast. I picked up my phone and read the text message.

i tried calling u yesterday but u weren't answering so i was gettin worried...

Oh yeah. I forgot that I had a lot of missed calls. Crap. What am I going to say? I can't tell her that I was with Justin. She wouldn't believe me. But I couldn't come up with nothing else to tell her. I was going back and forth in my head mentally having an argument between myself. I stared at Casey's text message for a while thinking of what to say. Then I got it.

sorry:/ my mom took my phone away until i finished her chores which i still havent finished all of them

I pressed send then went to take my shower.

20 minutes later

I came out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me and my hair wet and down. I wore blue sandals and strode over to my bed. Casey had texted back and believed me. Which I was relieved that she didn't call. I probably wouldn't have the guts to lie on the phone or in person.

A knock on my door startled me. "Katherine! What's taking so long!?" My evil mother said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm almost ready!" I responded.

"Well hurry up! I need you to clean up the house extra clean today. We are having guests."

Guests? Since when do we have guests? And what's this 'we' she's speaking of? Last time I checked, I'm just her servant, her slave, her waitress. Whatever you want to call it. I put on my clothes and some makeup then went downstairs. I put my long hair in a messy bun and went to look for my 'dearly' mother. She wasn't kidding when she said that she was having guests over. In the backyard, I saw rows of chairs and a table full of food. i saw that my mother was talking on the phone with someone. Probably one of her guests that was coming over. My mom got off the phone and noticed that I was dressed.

"Oh finally. I was growing impatient. What was taking so long?" she asked.

I crossed my arms and ignored her question. Instead I said,"What are my chores for today?"

She didn't like that I ignored her question and squinted her eyes at me."I need you to make this house look more spotless. Then when you're done, I need you to run some errands for me." I nodded and turned around to start my chores.

More spotless? How much more spotless does she want? I make the house look as clean as Justin. I smiled at the thought of him. Then it made me think of yesterday again. I smiled more and thought about the way he smiled at me and looked at me. He even wanted to kiss me. I fell for him even when I didn't meet him. Now i'm really head over heels for him. And he said that he wanted to see me again. He actually wanted to see me again after he only knew me for a day. He even has my number. Panic went through my mind as I reached in my pocket for my phone. Maybe he texted me and I didn't feel it vibrate. I went to look at my phone and saw no new text messages or missed calls. I frowned. He's probably busy. He is the biggest popstar in the world. I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to do my chores.


"Okay. I'm done with the chores." I said to my mother who was sitting down.

She scoffed."Right."

"Why don't you see for yourself? I cleaned everything around the house."

She got up from her seat and looked around seeing nothing on the floor or stains on the carpet. Believe me, it took forever to get those stains out. I stood behind my mom as she glanced at everything carefully. I crossed my arms and waited until she was done looking at the now clean house. 

"Alright. Fine. It's pretty clean. Now I need you to go run some errands while I still have to make some calls." I growled lowly so that she wouldn't hear. She handed me a paper that said what she needed. I looked at the paper. Barely able to read it because of her sloppy writing. You would think she would have nice writing. I read the paper to myself.

I sighed and went on the counter to get my keys. When my mother practically dragged me out of Justin's house, I told her that my car was still at the concert and thankfully she went back to get it. Along with getting a few scoldings that it was stupid of me for even going to the concert. I just ignored her. She didn't understand. Nobody did. I started driving as soon as I turned eighteen. My dad always told me to get things as soon as your able to. So I always did. I headed towards the door. 

"Oh I almost forgot, I need you to go to a clothing store and get me a dress. It has to look nice but not too many designs. I'm a size medium and I look good in either blue, red, or white. Now go. I have people to call."

I rolled my eyes. Seriously? I don't even know what her type of style is. She just gave me plain answers. I walked out the door to my car and got in. I rested my head on the steering wheel and shook my head. I have got to get my own place. I just have to find money to pay for it. Then that's what I'll do. I thought. I'll get a job and find my own place. That way I won't have to deal with her anymore. I picked my head up and started my car then drove off of the driveway. Smiling as I kept my eyes on the road.


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