Believe In Me:A 'Friendly" Game

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Here's chapter 7! Hope you like it, this one is in Justin's POV so enjoy!:)


Chapter 7: A 'Friendly' Game

*Justin's POV*

"Ready?" I asked Katherine. We just finished the second game and were starting our third. It was tied one to one. This was our last game and I'm a little nervous. Katherine wasn't kidding when her dad said he taught her everything he knows. She's got game but I have game too. So let's see how this goes.

"Yup. Are YOU ready to get your butt kicked by a girl?" Katherine said.

I smiled. I wouldn't let her beat me. I had to show my game too. "I'd like to see you try."

"We'll see."

We stood at the half line and faced each other. I had the ball in my hand and was about to start the game.

"Wait!"Katherine interrupted.


"What does the winner get?"

Oh yeah. Hmm....I was trying to think. Then an idea popped in my mind. One that I think she would like.

"How about a kiss on the cheek?" I asked. Her eyes got big and she smiled bigger than she already was. Aww. She didn't even have to answer me. I already knew what her answer was by her expression.

"Yeah." she said.

"Alright let's start." I bounced the ball and the game started. I took the ball first and tried to make it to the basket. Katherine was right behind me trying to take the ball away. Maybe I'll just let her win. That way I'll have to kiss her cheek and we'll both win. Yeah that sounds like a great idea. 

I was still heading for the basket then Katherine turned in front of me. I didn't see it coming and Katherine took the ball away from me. I acted like I was trying to win. I wanted her to win but not by a lot of points though. So sometimes I let her take the ball away and shoot the ball on purpose. But I got some shoots too.


15 minutes later

I was getting tired and the game was nine to eight. The next one to shoot the basket was the winner. Katherine had the ball and we were facing each other while she was bouncing the ball. We were out of breath and she was watching my every move. I tried to grab the ball away a few times but she bounced the ball to her other hand. Then she made her move. I went behind her and followed trying to act as if I wanted to win. She was facing the basket but kept watch for me. I tried to snatch the ball from behind her but she dodged it. Damn she's good. I was getting frustrated. Not because I couldn't get the ball but because I just wanted to give her her kiss on the cheek.

"What's the matter? Afraid you're going to lose to a girl?" Katherine asked.

I smiled and said,"No I can beat you if I wanted to."

"Then do it! Take the ball away from me! You're just standing there looking." She smirked. I smiled and went to take the ball away but she jumped and threw the ball into the basket.

"Wooh! I win! In your face!"

I laughed and told her,"Okay fine. You won. I lost."

"Yeah! Now where's my kiss?" she asked. I chuckled and went towards her. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. Her skin was so soft. Like a baby's butt. I leaned back and saw her blush. Aww she's so cute. 

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