Believe In Me:Fun with Justin

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Chapter 6: Fun With Justin

*Katherine's POV*

I was trying to listen to their conversation but all I heard was mumbling. I quietly tried to slide a little closer. I peaked out of the corner so you could barely see the side of my face. Luckily, I was able to hear the conversation. I had to stop and listen a little more to know what Scooter and Justin were talking about. They were talking about me.

"Okay let me get this straight. You were leaving the concert and you hit an 18 year old girl on the head with a door?" Scooter said.

"Ummm...."Justin looked down and put his hands in his pockets.


"Okay, yes but it's not that bad as you think. I mean-"

"Not that bad? What if someone saw you or the media saw you? Did you ever think of that? If this got out, then things would get bad and-"

"Nobody saw I promise you. And if they did, then they wouldn't be able to see much because it was dark."

Scooter took a deep breath and sighed."Alright, I'm trusting you on this. Just please be more careful next time."

"Okay." There was a moment of silence.

"What's her name?" Scooter said.


"The girl."

"Oh. Her name's um Katherine."

"Is she a fan?"

"Yeah she was there at the concert."

"Well I wanna meet her."

They started walking. I quickly ran as fast as I could to the kitchen. I sat in my seat and picked up my fork. I twirled the fork quickly in the noodles and stuffed it in my mouth. I heard Justin and Scooter's footsteps coming toward me. I turned my head around then swallowed my food and smiled.

Scooter spoke,"Hi. I'm Scooter. Justin's manager as you may know." He held out his hand and I gladly took it.

"Yeah hi! So cool to meet you! I'm Katherine." Justin sat down beside me with his plate of spaghetti.

"Again, I'm sorry for what I did to your head." 

"Oh it's okay you don't have to apologize." He smiled and we locked gazes. Those warm caramel eyes staring at me. It was heaven. As I looked deeped into those eyes, It was like I really could understand him and tell him anything. Like we had a connection.

"Um...Justin?" Scooter said.

Justin and I both turned toward Scooter."Yeah?" Justin replied.

"If you want you can show um..Katherine around. I have to go to a meeting. I'll be right back."


"Nice meeting you."Scooter said to me.

I smiled at him and said,"You too. If you don't mind, can I take a picture with you and Justin?"

"Sure." Scooter and Justin said in unison. I got my phone out and pressed the camera app. Scooter and Justin sat on each side of me so I could take the picture. "Say cheese!" Justin said. I laughed and pressed the button.


It was around 2:00 in the afternoon when Scooter left to go to his meeting. Justin was showing me around his house. It was like twenty times more big than my house. Justin and I were laughing and making jokes. When he was done showing me his house, we went in his backyard and each sat on a chair. He had a large swimming pool. At the end of one side, there was a waterfall! It was so cool and peaceful.

"Do you like the house?" Justin asked.

"Uh duh! It is amazing! I don't know how you don't get lost in there."

Justin chuckled."You're funny."

"Hey, I try."

He laughed again. Gosh I love his laugh. I'm actually making him laugh. Score for Katherine!

"So...what do you like to do?" Justin asked me.

"Hmm...let's see. I like to watch TV, stalk you, eat, stalk you, play b-ball, stalk you, and also stalk you. And I am quite of an artist. Along with stalking you, you know."

He burst out laughing and I absolutely loved to make him laugh. "Wait. You play basketball?"

"Yeah. I used to play it with my dad. He taught me everything he knows."

"Oh yeah? Well I bet I can beat you."

"Is that so?"I told him.


"Wanna bet?" I held out my hand.

He looked at me to make sure I was serious. Once he figured I was, we shook hands and he said,"You're on."

"Alright then. Let's go."

"Right now?"He asked.

"Yeah." We got up from the chairs and I followed behind Justin. Since I didn't know where the basketball court was. We went past the pool and there was a basketball court with the lines drawn already. Justin reached in one of the bushes next to the basketball court and pulled out an NBA basketball. He smiled at me and we both stood at the half line facing each other. Let the game begin.


Hope you liked it! VOTE! next chapter will be in Justin's POV(:

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