Believe In Me:Casey

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Chapter 9: Casey

I shut the front door of the house and came with a few bags for my mom's party. I layed the bags on the dinner table and went to the kitchen. I looked out of the kitchen's window and saw the backyard was more decorative then before. There were long tables with blue tablecloths and flowers on them. There were desserts and fruit along with american food. I saw my mom walking towards the sliding door and glanced away. 

"Did you get the stuff I told you?" my mom asked.

"Yes, right over there." I pointed to the dinner table. She went over and looked at the bags then took them in the backyard. I rolled my eyes and got a mango from the fruit bowl. I got out a knife and started cutting the mango.

'If I could take away the pain so you could have a brighter day, baby I would...'

I heard my phone's ringtone in my pocket. I set the knife down and brought the phone up to my ear not even bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hey girl!" 

"Oh hey Casey! What's up?"

"Nothing just watching TV. How about you?"

"Cutting up some mango."

"Sounds fun."

"How is cutting mango fun?"

"I don't know..."

I smiled."Haha so how are things with Matt?" I asked referring to her boyfriend.

"Good. I just got back from our date."

"Oohh. Is that why you're so happy?" 

"Maybe..." She laughed."Hey can I come over?"


"Because I'm so bored here and there's nothing to do except watch re-runs of Pretty Little Liars."

"I thought you liked that show?"

"I do but I've already watched all of the seasons."

"Oh. Well I guess you can come over but you can't stay for long. My mom's having a party."

"Alright I'll walk right over."

"See ya in a bit." I hung up and finished my mango then threw the peelings and bone away. Casey is my best friend and only lives a block away. So I didn't have much time until she gets here. I ran up the stairs to my room and set my keys that were in my pocket on my dresser. I peered at a poster I had of Justin and smiled. It was one of the newer ones I bought. He had on a dark green v-neck shirt with a black leather jacket and faded black skinny jeans. One of his hands were in his pocket while the other was under his chin and he was standing. I stared at it for a minute then left downstairs to wait for Casey to come.

I sat on the couch daydreaming about Justin. I imagined me and him back at his house when we were sitting at the edge of the pool. It was an awesome moment. The way he held my hand and I layed my head on his shoulder. I even told him about my mom and dad and he comforted me. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he wants to be friends. Maybe he wants to hang out sometime when he isn't busy. I hope so. 

'Ding Dong'

I hopped off the couch and answered the door for Casey.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hey." She smiled and came in. We hugged and went up to my room. I layed on my bed and Casey sat on the edge of it.

"So how was the date?"I asked her.

A smile came up on her face. "It was really good. He bought me a necklace." She touched the necklace around her neck. It was a silver chain that had a 'C' in sparkly rhinestones. 

I nodded and said,"Nice, so what do you want to do?"

She shrugged,"I'm not sure. We can watch Pretty Little Liars."

"I thought you said you already watched all of the seasons and you don't want to watch them again."

"I had a change in mind."

I rolled my eyes playfully and turned on the TV. It was on channel 2 and I was about to change it when I heard them say Justin's name. "Wait a minute." 

"So apparently, the teen pop Justin Bieber was seen yesterday night with an unfamiliar girl outside of his house. Here's a picture of them and it seems that they are hugging each other. As they break away, you can faintly see the girl's shirt that has Justin on it."

"Oh my gosh."I said still staring intently at the TV.

"Reporters say that Justin had a concert the night before and possibly took the girl home. The questions is, why? Does Justin have a mystery girl? If so,who is she? We'll be right back after the break."

My mouth was open and I closed it as I took it all in. This is bad. What if they find out it was me? That I was the 'mystery girl'? I mean they have no proof of that. Hundreds of other beliebers could have the same shirt. So I had nothing to worry about. Then I thought about Justin. He must be dealing with a lot of crap from the paparazzi and I know how much he hates that. I felt bad. I wish I could comfort him the way he comforted me.


I turned my head toward Casey."Yeah?"

"What's wrong?"


"Kath, we've been best friends since middle school. I know when something's bothering you. So what is it?"

I pushed my hair behind my ear and sighed,"I'm sorry Casey, but I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Because...well.."I tried to think of something to say."Because you wouldn't understand."

Casey got up from my bed and walked towards my door,"Fine. I'll just leave then."

I stood up and followed her,"Casey, wait." I ran downstairs just as I heard the door slam. I stopped and looked over at the door. I had a feeling I wouldn't see her again. I heard the sliding door open and saw my mother come in. She was wearing the dress I got her. It was a blue dress with a bow on one of the straps and went down to her knees.

She looked at me and said,"Well what are you doing just standing there? We have people coming any minute. Now go put on something decent but not too fancy. You'll draw attention to yourself and I can't let that happen. I have to be the full attention."

I lazily turned around and went upstairs to my room. I closed the door and leaned against it sliding myself down to the ground. And I did something I didn't expect. I cried. I don't why or what I was crying for. I just layed there with my face covered by my hands and my hands on my knees. I guess I was just tired by this life I had. Being pushed around, acting like nothing's wrong, not being able to say what you really want to say. I wish Dad was here. He would know what to do. I always came to him for advice. It wasn't until he died that my mom showed her true colors. I missed the old mom. The one that hugged me and kissed me goodnight. The one that made me laugh and told me jokes. I missed my old life when my dad was here. 


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