■■ Shake It Off

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I go on to many dates. That's what people say. 'Cause haters gonna hate.

Jeremy decided to talk seriously with Kirstie about the publicity stunt.

"It went wild when you were shipped with Mitch." Jeremy spoke. "When it was Avi, it eased quickly."

"Yep." Kirstie said. "All the articles, including Bustle, changed it into our ship."

Then they laughed. Kirstie missed this. Even though she every day sees Jeremy through Skype, she never had enough of him and Olaf. This was it, the lesson she learned from Mitch. She takes her relationship with Jeremy very slow. Sometimes, he thinks it is going way too slow, but he understands Kirstie.

"But some articles here told criticisms about you, negative criticisms." He told his girlfriend. "You have gained your haters quickly as well."

"Screw them." Kirstie proudly said. She gained this somewhat strong personality because of the things happening to her.

"That's my girl!" Jeremy laughed. His girl was always brave but she's very fond of being it now. She's muscular in the heart now, and he can't help but to feel proud of it.

"Can I talk to Mitch?" Jeremy suddenly said.

"Why?" Kirstie asked. Jeremy just stared at her at the screen. "Honey, not this again. We've talked about it. Mitch knows his boundaries, besides, you know he's gay. He's more on a girlfriend for me."

"But I saw all your interviews, honey." Jeremy tried to say as calm as he could. He didn't want to yell at Kirstie and make her hang up the phone, leaving an argument they should not even have. "I'm sure there was something in there."

Kirstie sighed. She always explain it over and over again to him, "you have nothing to be jealous about."

"Kirstie," he frowned at the camera. "Are you cheating on me by Mitch?"

"No!" Kirstie screamed. She lowered her voice and said, "I would never do that, you know it, right?"

"But I'm away." Jeremy said. "Please let me talk to Mitch and we're done."

She called Mitch and he approached Kirstie. "What's the matter, princess?" He asked.

"This man wants to talk to you." She pointed her phone's screen and it was Jeremy.

He felt somewhat felt guilty but he's numb with happiness that Scott brought him just awhile. They were playing the Legend Of The Brofist in Bro level and he was laughing whenever Scott dies; Scott always slams his iPhone on his pillow.

"Why, prince Charming?" He asked Jeremy, smiling.

"I want you to know your boundaries from my girlfriend." Jeremy said. Mitch couldn't care less, he knows he's going to move on by his first love sooner or later. "No kissing, no touching, no real dating."

"No touching?" Mitch asked.

"Got a problem with that?" Jeremy asked. "She's my girlfriend, so no touching to certain parts." He was glaring at Mitch by the screen.

"Calm down." Mitch said. "I only thought there will be no hand touching also."

Little did Jeremy know, Mitch already touched half of what he is restricting him to touch. He already saw half of it naked by his own sight. No one knows it but the two of them, Mitch and Kirstie. No one would even like to know.

"Sorry, but can you be specific with restrictions?" He asked. Kirstie's parents were more specific than her current boyfriend. Jeremy should at least say no sexual interaction allowed.

Jeremy sighed, "no kissing on the lips, no touching on the places another person should ever touch but her, for example, her breasts."

"Jeremy!" Kirstie yelled. "I heard that!"

"What? I needed to be specific!" Jeremy yelled back. "So where was I with you, Mitch?" His tone changed to being serious again.

"No touching to her private body parts." Mitch sighed. He's going to get this father-to-son-like conversation all over again. He wished for it, he's going to get it.

"Okay," Jeremy said. "There will be no way on earth I would see a sex tape somewhere, involving you and my girlfriend. Do you understand?"

"Yes, prince Charming." Mitch said, smiling. They are done talking to each other, but there must be a reason why Mitch asked for specification.

He is going for the hole of those specification, like he did to Kirstie's parents.

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