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Tom lay on the sofa, his hair falling in his eyes, as he gently snored, the heat from the fire warming him as he slept. The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, slowly awoke him, but he continued to close his eyes, still drained from the events from the night before. He remained in his position until he began to register the presence of another lurking over him, Hermione, he thought.


Tom groaned and pulled the blankets closer to him. Partially hoping that she would leave but also slightly yearning for her to stay with him.

He froze slightly as he felt a soft hand gently drift across his face and slowly move the hair that had fallen into his eyes, upwards to rest on his forehead.

"Tom?" He heard again, "It's time to wake up." He listened to her breathing as Hermione gently shook him. He lunged upwards, grabbing her wrist and aiming his wand at her. He looked into her eyes, his face holding no emotion as he remained in his position, silently watching Hermione's breathing return to normal.

His eyes softened as he registered what position they were in. He slowly dropped his wand and released her wrist from his grasp. He slowly rose from the sofa, and quietly thanked Hermione for waking him up before walking up the stairs to their room to change for the day.

He splashed cold water on his face to freshen up and stared at himself in the mirror, silently studying his features and hair. He quickly styled his hair in its usual wavy part before reaching for his shirt, pants, sweater and tie. He stood in front of the full length mirror, once again studying his appearance whilst he quickly tied his tie. He quickly put on his shows and gathered his books into their satchel before shrugging on his long cloak and looking at himself in the floor length mirror.

"Perfect," he mumbled as he closed the door and swiftly walked down the stairs.

He silently made his decent to see Hermione lying on the sofa where he was before. He stood and looked at her for a few seconds, before clearing his throat. Hermione whipped around quickly, the noise startling her as she quickly stood up and brushed down her skirt.

"Good morning Tom," she said brightly.

"Good morning Hermione," Tom replied, "Thankyou for waking me, I trust you slept well?"

"It was lovely," Hermione replied before the pair made their way to the portrait hole. As Hermione picked up her satchel she looked towards Tom.


Tom briefly let her know he was listening by turning his head slightly to face her.

"I just wanted to say about last night that -"

"It's fine Hermione, just forget about it," He said curtly as he gave her a strong glare. He watched her look away shyly. With her still looking down, Tom's eyes gently drifted downwards, Perfect, he thought, I wonder what's under- His eyes quickly snapped back up to her face as he noticed her turn back to look at him.

He opened the portrait and let her walk through first, nodding his head as a reply to her thanks. He slowly watched her walk in front of him for a few seconds, his eyes drifting slowly up her legs before he quickly shut the portrait door and followed her.

"Come Hermione, we cannot be late, and I fear that judging by the time that breakfast has already started."

Tom quickly made his way down the hallways, with Hermione struggling to keep up with his pace.

"Hey," Tom continued to walk, hoping that Hermione would be quite.

"Hey." This time Tom came to a stop, turned around and glared at her menacingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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