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Honestly how dare he Hermione thought as she marched down the hallways to her Family Consumers class. And to think that I was actually starting to like him, how stupid can I be. As she neared the classroom, she ran her fingers through her hair to calm herself. Walking to go stand by the classroom, she tripped falling into a pair of strong arms. Looking up she found a pair of piercing grey eyes staring at her.

“Oh my, I am so sorry I -,” She began, her voice catching on the words.

“No, the fault is all mine. Abraxas Malfoy,” the boy said lifting her upright and shaking her hand, “At your service.”

“Hermione Delacour, pleasure.”

“Oh, you are the one Tom is set to marry. Didn’t he get lucky.” Hermione blushed at his words and picked up her books. The door opened and all the other students filed in

“Well it was lovely meeting you Abraxas, I am sure our paths will cross again.” Hermione said following suit.

“Likewise Miss Delacour. Likewise.”

Hermione sat her table, the seat opposite her empty. Picking up her book she began to immerse herself in its pages, not noticing the thump of books being placed next to her.

“Alright Hermione?”

Hermione looked and smiled seeing Houston.

“I’m fine, just tired. Where is whatshername?”

Houston smiled. “You mean Lydia? She is sitting over there up the front.” He said pointing. “Are you sure you’re alright? You seem a bit out of it”

Hermione tried to smother a yawn with her hand. “Just life Houston. Just life.”

Another set of books was placed on the desk. “Does Cristo know you’re trying to steal my fiancée?”

Hearing the sound of that irritated, venom filled voice, Hermione closed her book and directed her attention to the person across from her; her eyes piercing straight through the almost black ones with a smatter of red.

“Hello, Darling How has your day been so far?” She batted her eyelashes in clear mock as one of Riddle’s ‘friends’ approached his side.

“I like her.” Signus Black said pointing at Hermione. “She’s funny.”

“Oh yes very funny,” Riddle huffed as Signus went back to his table. “Out of my seat Weasley.” He growled, motioning him out of his space with snapping fingertips.

Rolling her eyes at Riddle, she turned back to Houston.

“I think I should get going.” Houston said, lifting himself and moving back to his desk. Hermione smiled at him and watched him leave.

One minute passed. Then two, and right before a third one ticked past a voice sounded from the front.

“Good morning class.” Professor Slughorn said. The class replied in monotone synchronisation.

“Now before we begin, the Headmaster would like me to remind you that you have two weeks to choose a date for your wedding.” He looked at all the miserable faces.

“Now moving on to today’s lesson. I shall be addressing any issues you may have about the sleeping arrangements.”

The class was silent, no one daring to say a word. “Signus get off me.!” A high pitched voice shrieked. The class turned to see Parkinson pushing Signus off his chair. “What was that for?”

“You were sitting on my robe!” She replied, watching cautiously as Signus rose and sat back down grumbling to himself about something.

“Now children calm down,” Slughorn said, “Now is not the time for bickering. Are there any actual issues or just things like that?”

Hermione looked around the room, then at Riddle sitting next to her, contemplating whether or not she should say something. It’s not like he hurt me or anything. Just a small disagreement, it’ll just blow over.

“Excellent then. Now I didn’t have anything more planned for you because I thought there would be too many complaints. So I guess you are all dismissed.”

Hermione stood up and slowly walked out of the classroom, aware of Riddle walking next to her. She felt his hand grasp her upper arm and spin her around. She stared at him and attempted to wrench herself free from his grip. He thrust a piece of paper into her hand and released her.

“The patrol schedule. You’re on tonight. I’ll see you this evening.” He ground out. Hermione watched as he spun on his heel and confidently strode down the hallway towards the library. She glanced at the schedule. God Damn it.


Hermione walked down the eerie corridors, her footsteps echoing of the walls. She paused as she heard footsteps. She followed the sound, hearing a soft whisper. She continued to follow it, the light of her wand reflecting of the walls, the light dancing. As she neared the school entrance the whisper and footsteps halted. A dull light danced down the path towards the forbidden forest. She stood at the entrance and peered into the dark depths of the forest inhabited by things only conjured in nightmares. The bright light shone in the distance.

She continued forward, her every step breaking the branches that littered the forest floor. The light stopped and hovered in a clearing. As she emerged from the trees into the empty space, the sound of branches cracking filled the already silent silence. The sounds continued, more and more, echoing around her. Hermione spun around frantically, tears threatening to spill from her eyes in fear. The light remained motionless in the centre.

“Hello Hermione,”

Hermione spun around and saw a tall, dark shrouded creature emerge from the trees.

“I have been waiting for you.”

More figures emerged from the surrounding trees and came together creating a ring around her.

“Let us begin,” the dark figure in the centre said in its eerie voice. The light disappeared, plunging Hermione into darkness.

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