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Hermione followed the spell's path and watched it destroy a wall. She stared at the fallen wall to see wisps of light blonde hair leading a trail to the owners head, Luna.

"Stupefy!" Hermione screamed, shooting the spell at the death eater and  running to Luna. She got down on her knees and tried to move the rocks by hand to try and free her.

The sounds of the battle raged on and Hermione knew she didn't have much time.

"Luna hold on," she whispered to the trembling figure who's lower half was crushed by the wreckage.

"I promise, Luna, everything is going to be alright. Just hold on, I'll get you out of here."

Luna turned to the sound of Hermione's voice, her eyes searching her face whilst struggling to focus and make sense of what was happening.

"Hermione what's going on?" She asked anxiously, "I cant feel my legs.

"I know Luna, it's going  to be okay," she continued to whisper, her lower lip trembling and tears beginning to for, "Just think happy thoughts okay."

Luna slowly nodded, she gently tried to sit up, but quickly fell back down, realising that the pain was to much.

"Think of what's going to happen once this is all over okay? Think about what you want to do after Hogwarts. Think about all your friends. Remember Ron, Harry, Neville, Ginny, Fred, George, Remus, Tonks and me. Just remember that we are all here for you and that we can all get through this together."

Luna slowly nodded taking in everything Hermione said, hanging onto her every word. She watched Hermione desperately try to remove the rocks crushing her small frame.


Hermione looked up with tear stained cheeks and her red eyes, "Yeah Luna?"

"Have you thought about using your wand or something?" Luna looked down at Hermione's wand by her side. Hermione blushed before grabbing it and beginning to cast spells to lift the remaining rubble covering Luna's legs.

Luna held her arms out for Hermione to take, hoping that she could now pull her out. She carefully bent down and gently lifted her, making sure that she was secure in her arms. She looked around the Hogwarts courtyard looking around  at the raging battle for a safe place to escape and hide Luna somewhere.

Casting a shield around the two of them, she sprinted for the entrance into the castle. Running down the corridors, she desperately looked for a place to hide Luna. Knowing the Room of Requirement was not an option, she went into the first unlocked classroom and placed Luna behind the teacher's desk.

She sat against the classroom door for a few moments, hoping to catch her breath. Looking at Luna, she slowly opened the door and scanned to corridor looking to see if the coast was clear. Hearing footsteps and voices coming closer, she quickly shut the door and locked it.

As the footsteps came closer, her breaths became more ragged and Hermione desperately tried to slow her breathing. The footsteps stopped outside the door and it was quite.


The dust cleared from the door being blasted open and Hermione's eyes landed on two death eaters staring down at her.

"Well look who it is. The famous mudblood, where are your friends now?" A death eater grasped Hermione by the neck and forced her up against the wall.

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