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Hello everybody. Sorry for not updating in ages, moving countries can be quite time consuming believe it or not. But i am back and going to try and update regularly.



I am actually starting to regret asking Dippet make Hermione Head Girl. I mean she doesn't even listen to me. I literally have to force her to even talk to me. Tom thought as he sat in the living room arm chair of in their shared chambers. He looked at the mounted clock opposite him. "Where the hell is she?" he said to himself, resting his chin on his hand.

An hour passed, but Tom was never joined by Hermione.

"One o'clock in the morning and she still isn't here," Tom began lifting himself from the chair, "I should of never let her go on patrol by herself."

Tom slowly walked out of his chambers and down the hallways searching for Hermione. "Hermione? Where the hell are you?"

"Right here," A voice responded. Tom whirled around his wand lighting up the owner of the voice's face. "Fuck you Signus, alright. Very funny."

Tom continued to wander the corridors, Signus following him.

"So why are we looking for Hermione? Do you miss her?"

Tom growled, but ignored Signus and continued his search. "Did she run away from you?" He continued, "Did she runaway with Malfoy?"

Tom whirled around, grasped Signus by the collar and rammed him against the wall. "What do you know about Hermione's whereabouts and what does Malfoy have to do with her?"

Signus gasped and sputtered, struggling to breathe. "A meeting..."

"What meeting, where?" Tom grasped his neck tighter watching Black's face begin to resemble a tomato. "What is the meeting for?"

" the forest."


"F...For Gri...Grindelwald."

Tom dropped Black to the ground and ran to the forest. Leaving Signus lying on the ground, a small smile blooming on his face.

Tom's heart was pounding as he raced to the forest. Images of Hermione lying on the ground, covered in blood, barely alive filled his head, making him run faster. As he came to the edge of the forest a deafening screech sounded from its depths.

"Hermione," he whispered.

He slowed his pace and crept into the forest, stepping over roots and treading quietly. As he delved deeper into the forest he began to his a pair of voices muttering to each other.

"Is this the girl? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am positive."

As he neared closer to the pair, he raised his wand, casting the killing curse. He watched the pair fall to the ground with a thud. After casting a cloaking spell he continued onwards to the clearing. He stood on the out skirts of the clearing, watching Hermione being grasped by the neck and pulled upwards. He strained to listen to what the man in black had whispered in her ear. He thought of how to get her out you can't kill them in front of her he thought Just stun them, just a harmless stun topped with a Crucio on the one holding Hermione. Tom smiled as he reached for his wand.

"Stupefy," he whispered pointing his wand at the figure closest to him, watching them fall to the ground. The figure in the middle whipped their head around and stared at their fallen comrade. Tom watched as the figure dropped Hermione, and began to watch the people around them crumble to the floor. Whilst the figure was distracted, Tom crept into the clearing and ushered Hermione out of the way and faced the figure before him.

"Crucio!" He screamed, watching the figure fall before and began to twist and squirm whilst screaming. Tom released them from the spell and kicked them in the ribs.

"Who are you?" He hissed.

The figure laying before him remained silent. Tom continued to stare at person shaking before him. A flash of white beneath the cloak made Tom grin. He bent down, his face mere inches from the other. "I don't know what the fuck you think you are doing but let me tell you this, it will be the last thing you ever do."

"My lord, no please, I'm sorry." The figure stammered.

Tom raised his wand, "It's too late for apologies, filth." A green light filled the forest for a few seconds, blinding Hermione in the process. Tom kicked in the boy's face one more time then turned to Hermione.

"I...I," She began.

Tom grabbed her hand and dragged her along behind him, mumbling to himself. When they were inside the head dorms he turned towards her grasping shoulders and staring into her eyes.

"Don't ever patrol at night again or at least do it with me." Hermione nodded and slowly made her way to her bedroom.

"And Hermione..."

She turned to see Tom at the bottom of the stairs staring up at her. "Good night." He went to sit back down by the fire, resting his chin in his hand.

Hermione dressed herself for bed thinking of what Tom had done. As she flopped into bed, letting the pillows and engulf her. She thought about what Tom had said. While it may have been just two words, they were filled with meaning and promise, well to her at least.

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