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We walked into hogsmeade holding hands. “Where to first?” he asked.

“Honeydukes, I am sure you secretly have a sweet tooth.” I replied pulling him to the candy store. We walked inside and I probably looked like a little kid, wide eyed I ran around the store, my mouth watering at all the different kinds of candies. I ran back to Tom holding a small piece of candy. “Try it,” I told him, he eyed it careful, he me gave a questioning look, “It won’t kill you it’s a strawberry surprise,”

“What’s the surprise?” he said cautiously taking the candy from my hands. I smiled and dragged him outside, “It’s a surprise,” in whispered into his ear. He popped the candy into his mouth and quietly chewed it. “It tastes like strawberries,” he said frowning, “What’s the surprise?” asked again.

“Take my hand,” I said holding out my hand, he cautiously place his hand in mine. The moment our hands touched you could feel rush of magic from my hand go into him. Looking at him he looked shock at what he was feeling. “Tell me Tom. What do you see? He closed his eyes, exhaled and began. “I… I see a castle, curses flying back and forth, I see you cut and bruised, I see a figure walking towards you holding a wand, he… he is holding it up, I see a green light and a body.” Tom turned towards me looking shocked. “What was that?” he questioned his voice becoming louder at each word. “Nothing,” I replied slowly moving backwards.

“Tell me!” he snarled “Tell Me!” he screamed advancing towards me. Damn it I thought wrong thought. I have got to think of a way to get out of here. I ran, sprinting through the snowy grasslands surrounding Hogwarts I looked for a place to hide. My eyes wandered over the Forbidden Forest, deciding it was the safest place I made my way towards it. Running through the forest, I tripped on a root, falling face first in a clearing, looking behind me I saw Tom advancing his wand brandished, “TELL ME!” he screamed. A curse flew from his wand, I dodged it feeling around for my wand I couldn’t find it shoot I thought. “Crucio!” he screamed. It was too fast, it hit me. I lay there on the forest floor in pain, it felt like a million knives stabbing me constantly, I didn’t scream though, I had endured this so much it didn’t have any effect on me. Tom could see this, it clearly angered him. Casting the spell again and again out of frustration he finally gave up. I looked up to see him sitting against a tree cradling his head in his hands. I slowly limped out of the forest back up to the castle, leaving Tom there.

I limped along the corridors avoiding any students of Professors in case the asked why I am covered in mud and my head is bleeding. I walked through the dungeon passages to the Slytherin common room. Walking through the portrait hole I noticed that there was no one inside. Perfect I thought, I slowly walked to a corner of the common room and started healing myself. Honestly I am so stupid I should have filtered the memories that candy could access. Sighing I continued healing myself, while I am not the best at healing spells I managed to fix the broken ankle and stitch up the cut in my head. Realizing I had nothing else to do, I walked over to the notice board scanning in it I saw that there was a duelling club on in the great hall that meets today and every Saturday. Smiling to myself I decided that I would do duelling club but i was still injured and it was a Sunday so I needed to sleep to prepare myself to confront Tom tomorrow and I have a Family Consumers class. I walked up stairs to the girl’s dormitory and put on my nightgown and went to sleep.

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