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The sun was shining brightly, mixing with the aroma of the decaying flowers. As the air roamed around the grounds of Hogwarts, the leaves crackled as they carelessly fell to the ground, signalling that winter was soon coming and the snow will start covering all that stood in its ways. As the sun rays shone down from the sky a small owl, with feathers that glistened in the light soared into a window in the tallest tower, carrying a letter attached to its left leg. It landed silently onto a trunk at the foot of the bed. It looked curiously at the two figures sleeping on the bed as sunlight washed over their faces. The girl had a peaceful expression, her left cheek snuggled into the chest of the male. His pointed chin on top her head, an arm wrapped around her waist.

Brown eyes opened suddenly erasing the peacefulness. “What in Merlin,” I slapped my hand on the hard chest, trying to pull myself out. “Riddle! Riddle! Let go!”

“What?” he stammered, “I am armed, I will kill you,” he said reaching for his wand that was tucked under his pillow and waving it around the bedroom, “Oh, it’s you,” he hissed pushing me off him.

“Were you trying to kill me in my sleep?” I snapped, “Couldn’t wait until I was at least awake before you try and murder me like you did in the forest,”

Tom glared at me, “you were on top of me.”

“You were clutching me!” The owl clearly annoyed narrowed its eyes at the couple, it flew up closer to them trying to get their attention. I, surprised by the sudden actions of the owl jumped backwards accidentally pushing up against Riddle’s chest. “It’s got a letter, Princess,” he retorted

“Obviously, I doubt it wants to become the family pet,” I snapped reaching out to the owl and untying the parchment from around its leg. “Read it out loud Hermione,” Riddle said rubbing his eyes, trying to get rid of any sleep. Forgetting about our fight he placed his chin on top of my head. I frowned, feeling uncomfortable in this situation, however it was too early to start a fight so I sighed internally and opened the letter, and began to read.

To the Future Mister and Mrs Riddle,

I hope that the first night of the sleeping arrangement wasn’t too much of a problem. My self and the ministry encourage you to maintain patience and practice caution around each other. The person who you are to marry will be a part of you forever, so they should not be treated as the enemy. Any acts of hatred towards each other will not be permitted and you will be punished severely by a method the ministry see fit.

Sincerely yours,

Headmaster Dippet. 

I sighed and watched the bird fly out the window. Riddle cleared his throat, “Do you want to choose the date,”

I stared at him, “What I want right now is a bath,” I said walking to the bathroom, “I will be out in a few minutes!” I called from behind the closed door over the running water.

Riddle walked out of the bedroom stretching his arms, “She better leave a lot of water,” he crossed the slamming the door behind him. He wiped his arm roughly, “What the hell!” he exclaimed registering the fact that he was feeling his bare arm. He looked down and noticed his school robes were gone and had been replaced by emerald green pyjama pants and a white muscle shirt. “I was violated!”

A loud scoff invaded the vacant living room, “Don’t consider yourself so lucky,” Signus Black waved a hand from the small couch, a blanket wrapped around his pale figure, his school robes discarded around him on the floor. “What are you doing here?” Tom asked raising an eyebrow.

“Coming up with a master plan to get in the bath with Delacour, of course,” he replied casually earning him a stinging hex. Signus rolled his eyes, “Sleeping, obviously Tom,”

“Why are you sleeping here? Why aren’t you in your chamber?”

“Parkinson threw me out. She was screaming about me refusing to help her decorate the chamber.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t curse you.” Tom said walking over to an armchair and sitting down.

“Fortunate for me, I remembered that my good friend was living a few chambers away.”

“Signus, our chambers are separated by a tower,” Tom commented

“Black shrugged. “Alohamora works anywhere okay,” Tom glared. “Besides, I had to see how peacefully you and Delacour slept. It was quite beautiful, except for the fact that the blankets were torn and you were still in your school robes,”

“It was you?”

“Neat, isn’t it? No need to thank me.” Black grinned, his white teeth gleaming and shining. “Anything to see that smile on your face when Delacour snuggled herself into you.

“Out!” Tom growled. “If Parkinson didn’t murder you, I will!”

“I’m so terrified.” Signus ignored the Slytherin Prince and threw himself back on to the couch, throwing the sheets over his. “Wake me up when Delacour’s out of the shower.

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