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"Kay!" A squeal made me jump and arms wrapped around me. I laughed and pulled away from the blonde girl clinging to me.

"Hey Maddi." I chuckled. She looked at me and I saw her face frown. Her lip poked out and her brows crossed.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Was it Keshawn? I'm going to beat his ass." She snarled and I smiled. It was funny when she got all worked up because she was the nicest girl I knew.

"Yeah but he's not worth it." He never is-I said giving her a warning glance. There was no need for her to try to fight him. Though I wasn't sure who'd win. Keshawn was big and strong but if seen him fight before and he was more of a wrestler. Maddi was as tall as Keshawn and a little on the chubby side but I knew she could hold her own. I laughed thinking about her and Keshawn fighting.

"You know I'd beat his ass. Boy can't even fight." Maddi laughed and I know she was thinking back to the fight a month ago also. She'd been there and we watched as he got two pieced and fell to the ground. Of course he tried to get up and fight but I say he lost, as did most of the school.

I laughed thinking about it and we started toward our first class. It was physics.

"Hey Mr. Grin." I said to the teacher as we walked in I always found it funny that was he last name. He smiled at us and went back to typing on his computer.

I laughed and sat in my desk as Maddi made a face and scrunched up her nose. She was a clown. Another girl walked in and I looked over. We were always the first ones in here.

The blonde walked in wearing a large tie dye shirt and leggings. Her hair was in a messy bun and her eyes sparkled. I smiled at her.

"Hey Kay." The girl smiled.

"Hey Chrystal." I chuckled as she bounced up and down. She was always so alive.

"Guess what?" Chrystal said in her loud voice. I chuckled.

"What?" Maddi said coming to stand beside my desk.

"I'm getting high this weekend!" Chrystal said with great enthusiasm. I stifled a laugh and shot a glance at Mr. Grin. He looked up at us then shrugged and went back to his typing.

"Just don't do something stupid." He grumbled. I laughed finally and I couldn't stop. After a while it stopped and I was gasping for breath.

Maddi filled Chrystal in on the news about Keshawn and her cheery mood faded.

"He what?!" Chrystal shouted.

"That bastard ass bitch." She continued. Yeah Chrystal was a bad curser she'd tell you off in a heartbeat. I thought it was funny cause she was so mellow looking. Until you pissed her off then she was a devil child.

"It's no big deal Chrystal I'm over it." I said trying to be the bigger person but it still hurt. I shrugged it off and Chrystal scoffed.

"You're a better person then me Kay. I'd have killed his ass a long time ago." She growled and snapped a pencil she held.

"She still loves him though." Maddi sighed and I shot her a glance.

"I do not." I gasped feeling my face grow hot.

"Girl yes you do I saw it in your eyes when you talked about him." Maddi said softly. I clenched my jaw.

"I don't want to! I want to hate him!" I said fighting to keep my voice steady.

"Okay. It's okay." Maddi said and the conversation was dropped. The bell rang and people poured in the room.

We sat in our desks and Mr. Grin began class.

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